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Merger notification
Start of publication: 08.02.2019
End of publication: indefinite
OÜ Red hat Group design (registry code 11520566) publishes a notice pursuant to paragraph 399(1) of the commercial Act (ÄS).

The firm shall notify the merger. The merger was carried out by OÜ Red hat Group design (registry code 11520566) and Blueprintmedia OÜ (registry code: 12805298), established in Harju County, Saue Municipality, Saue City, Kadakamarja number 21/2-8. OÜ Red hat Group design (acquiring company) has joined Blueprintmedia OÜ (acquiring company). The merger is entered in the commercial Register 06.02.2019.a.

Creditors of companies are requested to lodge their claims for security within six months of the date of publication of this notice (paragraph 399(1) of the ÄS).

OÜ Red hat Group design
Kadakamarja tn 21/2-8, Saue City, Saue Municipality, Harju County
Telephone: +37256455306
Notice No 1424738