Announcement of sovereign wealth auction
Start of publication: 26.06.2019
End of publication: indefinite
End of publication: indefinite
The public Road Administration publishes a notice pursuant to paragraph 58(1) of the Law on State property (RVS).
The public Road Administration announces that it will sell, on a case-by-case basis, in a written public auction, ::1 on behalf of the public Road Administration.
The mining usufruct rights of Parts 2 gravel quarry (mining permit No HIIM-017);
2. Mining usufruct rights for the capasto sandy quarry (mining permit No HIIM-019);
3. Mining rights for the sandy quarry of the puzzle (mining permit No HIIM-018),
together with the obligations and rights attached to the mining permits and without immovable property, in accordance with the terms of the auction.
The starting price for the sale of the Parts 2 gravel quarry is EUR 26 000, plus VAT in accordance with the rules laid down by law.
The initial auction price for the capasto sand quarry shall be EUR 21 200, plus VAT in accordance with the procedure laid down by law.
The starting price for the auction of a sandy flock of a puzzle is EUR 10 500, plus VAT in accordance with the rules laid down by law.
Any person other than those referred to in paragraph 73(7) of the Landesvergabegesetz may participate in the auction.
The winner of the auction shall be the person who accepts the terms of the auction and offers the highest price for the purchase of the movable property and fulfils the additional conditions laid down in the contract of sale. Where two or more tenders are of an equivalent highest value, the auction winner shall be selected by drawing lots in accordance with the procedure, time and place determined by the auctioneer and in which the legal or authorised representatives of tenderers who submitted tenders of equal value shall participate. The auction winner shall, subject to the conditions of the auction, be awarded a sale contract as set out in Annex 2 within two months of the date of notification of the auction result.
The terms of the auction, the form of the application (Annex 1 to the terms of the auction), the draft contract of sale (Annex 2 to the terms of the auction) and the documentation relating to the movable property can be found:
Access to movable property shall take place from 04.07.2019. a Parts 2 on the mountain deposit of a gravel quarry from 11:00 to 12:00, from 13:00 to 14:00 on the mountain deposit of the Kapasto sandy quarry and from 15:00 to 16:00 on the mountain deposit of the Pusk sandy quarry. Those wishing to become acquainted with the property sold must notify their intention to be in advance at the e-mail address.
Tenders may be submitted against signature (on working days 9:00-16:00) or sent by express courier to the Representation of the Road Administration (address highway 4, Tallinn, 10916). Tenders shall be registered in the document management system of the public Road Administration. At the request of the tenderer, proof of submission of the tender shall be issued to him. The closing date for the submission of tenders is 11.07.2019. at 10:00.
For more information:
The public Road Administration announces that it will sell, on a case-by-case basis, in a written public auction, ::1 on behalf of the public Road Administration.
The mining usufruct rights of Parts 2 gravel quarry (mining permit No HIIM-017);
2. Mining usufruct rights for the capasto sandy quarry (mining permit No HIIM-019);
3. Mining rights for the sandy quarry of the puzzle (mining permit No HIIM-018),
together with the obligations and rights attached to the mining permits and without immovable property, in accordance with the terms of the auction.
The starting price for the sale of the Parts 2 gravel quarry is EUR 26 000, plus VAT in accordance with the rules laid down by law.
The initial auction price for the capasto sand quarry shall be EUR 21 200, plus VAT in accordance with the procedure laid down by law.
The starting price for the auction of a sandy flock of a puzzle is EUR 10 500, plus VAT in accordance with the rules laid down by law.
Any person other than those referred to in paragraph 73(7) of the Landesvergabegesetz may participate in the auction.
The winner of the auction shall be the person who accepts the terms of the auction and offers the highest price for the purchase of the movable property and fulfils the additional conditions laid down in the contract of sale. Where two or more tenders are of an equivalent highest value, the auction winner shall be selected by drawing lots in accordance with the procedure, time and place determined by the auctioneer and in which the legal or authorised representatives of tenderers who submitted tenders of equal value shall participate. The auction winner shall, subject to the conditions of the auction, be awarded a sale contract as set out in Annex 2 within two months of the date of notification of the auction result.
The terms of the auction, the form of the application (Annex 1 to the terms of the auction), the draft contract of sale (Annex 2 to the terms of the auction) and the documentation relating to the movable property can be found:
Access to movable property shall take place from 04.07.2019. a Parts 2 on the mountain deposit of a gravel quarry from 11:00 to 12:00, from 13:00 to 14:00 on the mountain deposit of the Kapasto sandy quarry and from 15:00 to 16:00 on the mountain deposit of the Pusk sandy quarry. Those wishing to become acquainted with the property sold must notify their intention to be in advance at the e-mail address.
Tenders may be submitted against signature (on working days 9:00-16:00) or sent by express courier to the Representation of the Road Administration (address highway 4, Tallinn, 10916). Tenders shall be registered in the document management system of the public Road Administration. At the request of the tenderer, proof of submission of the tender shall be issued to him. The closing date for the submission of tenders is 11.07.2019. at 10:00.
For more information:
Road Administration
Tallinn, HARJUMAA, Pärnu Mnt 463a
Telephone: 6119300
Tallinn, HARJUMAA, Pärnu Mnt 463a
Telephone: 6119300
Contact details of the publisher:
Kalev Repp
, land managerTelephone: 4435695
Kalev Repp
, land managerTelephone: 4435695
Notice No 1487963