notices to

This list lists the main types of notices published in the new official journals and the subcategories associated with them.
The list of notices relating to the State fee is available here .

Notices published in the old Official Publications information system can be found on the basis of the main types ( correspondence table for the types of notices ).

List of notices to be published in official journals

Type of notification Closing date for publication Data providers State fees required Legal basis
Agricultrual notices
Notice of agricultural and rural development support
Published from 09.11.2023
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board No on the basis of Regulation established on the basis of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act
Notice of an action plan for promoting food export opportunities
Published from 10.04.2019
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 3 of Regulation No. 54 of the Minister of Rural Affairs of 10.09.2018 "Promotion of food export opportunities"
Notice of an application round for support for promoting food export opportunities
Published from 07.01.2019
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 8 of Regulation No. 54 of the Minister of Rural Affairs of 10.09.2018 "Promotion of food export opportunities"
Notice of granting aid on the basis of the Estonian Rural Development Plan (MAK)
Published until; 09.11.2023
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board No on the basis of Regulation established on the basis of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act
Notice of preserving permanent grassland
Published from 24.05.2017 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board No on the basis of Subsection 1¹ of §12 of Regulation No. 32 of the Minister of Rural Affairs of 17.04.2015 "Single area payment, climate and environmental payments and young farmer payments and general requirements of receiving direct payments"
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a management plan for a land improvement system
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 57 of the Land Improvement Act (MaaParS)
Notice of termination of acceptance of applications
Published from 27.06.2024
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) No on the basis of Regulation introduced pursuant to the European Union Law on the implementation of the common agricultural policy
Auction and sale notices
Notice of an auction for a movable in bankruptcy proceedings
until the end of bankruptcy proceedings or the end of the validity of the sale announcement, but no longer than 1 year; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 136 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS) and subsection 2 of § 84 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS)
Notice of an auction for a movable in enforcement proceedings
until the end of the enforcement procedure or the end of the validity of the sales advertisement, but no longer than 1 year; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 84 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS)
Notice of an auction for an immovable in bankruptcy proceedings
until the end of bankruptcy proceedings or the end of the validity of the sale announcement, but no longer than 1 year; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 136 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS) and subsection 2 of § 153 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS)
Notice of an auction for an immovable in enforcement proceedings
until the end of the enforcement procedure or the end of the validity of the sales advertisement, but no longer than 1 year; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 153 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS)
Notice of auction for the use of property of the State Forest Management Centre
for an indefinite period; State Forest Management Centre No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 57 of the Forest Act (MS)
Notice of auction for transfer of property of the State Forest Management Centre
for an indefinite period; State Forest Management Centre No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 61 of the Forest Act (MS)
Notice of sale of cutting rights and timber
for an indefinite period; Manager of state forest (organiser of sale) No on the basis of Section 9 of Regulation No. 1 of the Government of the Republic of 04.01.2007 "Procedure for the sale of cutting rights or of timber in state forests"
Collective agreement notices
Notice of extended conditions of a collective agreement
Published from 01.02.2023
tähtajatu; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 4⁶ of the Collective Agreements Act (KLS)
Notice of extended conditions of a collective agreement
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 4⁶ of the Collective Agreements Act (KLS)
Commercial register notices
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a company
Published until; 01.02.2023
not later than … 6 months of publication; Registry Department of a court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 60 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a foundation
Published until; 01.02.2023
not later than … 6 months of publication; Registry Department of a court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 34¹ of the Foundations Act (SAS)
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a non-profit association
Published until; 01.02.2023
not later than … 6 months of publication; Registry Department of a court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 36¹ of the Non-profit Associations Act (MTÜS)
Notice of deletion from the business register based on a court decision
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of deletion from the business register due to non-submission of the annual report
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of deletion from the business register due to the absence of a contact person
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of deletion from the business register upon division
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of deletion from the business register upon merger
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of deletion from the business register when dividing property without liquidation procedure
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of intention to delete from the business register
Published from 21.04.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Notice of service of an order of the Registy Department of a court
not earlier than 2 months of publication;
not later than … 6 months of publication;
Registry Department of a court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notification of deletion from the business register on the basis of a request
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication; Court Registry Department No on the basis of section 60 (5) of Commercial Register Act
Competition notices
Notice of concentration
for an indefinite period; Competition Authority No on the basis of Subsection 12 of § 27 of the Competition Act (KonkS)
Notice of concentration decision
for an indefinite period; Competition Authority No on the basis of Subsection 12 of § 27 of the Competition Act (KonkS)
Notice of designating an undertaking with significant market power
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 49 of the Electronic Communications Act (ESS)
Notice of not designating an undertaking with significant market power
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 49 of the Electronic Communications Act (ESS)
Notice of revoking a decision on designating an undertaking with significant market power
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 49 of the Electronic Communications Act (ESS)
Debt restructuring notices
Acceptance of a debt restructuring petition
Published from 20.07.2022
until the closure of debt restructuring proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FiMS)
Notice of acceptance of a debt restructuring petition
Until the procedure for rescheduling debts is completed; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 16 of the Debt Restructuring and Debt Protection Act (VÕVS)
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and declaring the bankruptcy of a debtor
Published from 09.08.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subection 4 and subsection 7 of § 41 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS) and subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and declaring the bankruptcy of a debtor and initiating proceedings for the release of a debtor from obligations
Published from 09.08.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subection 4 and subsection 7 of § 41 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS) and subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and terminating the proceedings on an insolvency petition of a debtor by abatement
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subection 4 and subsection 7 of § 41 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS) and subsection 1 of § 29 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulment of a debt restructuring plan
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 39 of the Debt Restructuring and Debt Protection Act (VÕVS)
Notice of annulment of a debt restructuring plan (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Section 41 (4) of the insolvency law of the natural person
Notice of approval of a debt restructuring plan
Until the procedure for rescheduling debts is completed; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 26 of the Debt Restructuring and Debt Protection Act (VÕVS)
Notice of approval of a debt restructuring plan (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Until the procedure for rescheduling debts is completed; Court No on the basis of Section 28 (1) of the insolvency law of the natural person
Notice of change of trusted practitioner in debt restructuring proceedings
Published from 24.08.2022
Until the end of the debt restructuring procedure; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 55 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS)
Notice of dismissing a debt restructuring petition
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 28 of the Debt Restructuring and Debt Protection Act (VÕVS)
Notice of temination of debt restructuring proceedings
Published from 07.04.2021
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Section 38¹ of the Debt Restructuring and Debt Protection Act (VÕVS)
Notice of temination of debt restructuring proceedings (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Section 42 of the insolvency law of the natural person
Economic activity notices
Notice of end of public competition for frequency authorisations
Published from 05.07.2017
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Regulation established on the basis of the Electronic Communications Act (ESS)
Notice of invalidating a register entry in the state register of alcohol
for an indefinite period; Veterinary and Food Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 14 of the Alcohol Act (AS)
Notice of public competition for a universal postal service provider
for an indefinite period; Competition Authority No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 2 of Regulation No. 19 of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications of 04.04.2009 "Conditions for organising a public competition for designating a universal postal service provider"
Notice of public competition for frequency authorisations
Published from 10.03.2017
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Regulation established on the basis of the Electronic Communications Act (ESS)
Notice of winner of public competition for a universal postal service provider
for an indefinite period; Competition Authority No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 12 and subsection 1 of § 2 of Regulation No. 19 of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications of 04.04.2009 "Conditions for organising a public competition for designating a universal postal service provider"
Environmental impact assessment notices
Notice of a strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 6² of § 46 and subsection 1 of § 37 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of an environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 9 of § 30 and clause 1 of subsection 2 of § 16 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of appointing a new leading expert for an environmental impact assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Subsection 13 of § 15 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of approving an environmental impact assessment programme
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 19 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of approving an environmental impact assessment report
for an indefinite period; Supervisor of environmental impact assessment (Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board) No on the basis of Section 23 and subsection 1 of § 19 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of declaring a stratrgic environmental assessment programme compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministries, local authorities No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 39 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of declaring a stratrgic environmental assessment report compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministries, local authorities No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 42 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of declaring an environmental impact assessment programme compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of declaring an environmental impact assessment report compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 22 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of initiating a strategic environmental assessment
for an indefinite period; Ministries, local authorities No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 35 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of initiating an environmental impact assessment
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 12 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS) (from 01.07.2015, previously clause 1 of subsection 1 of § 12)
Notice of non-renewal of an environmental impact assessment licence
Published from 01.07.2015
until an indefinite or a new licence is granted; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 10 of § 15 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a strategic environmental assessment programme
for an indefinite period; Ministries, local authorities No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 37 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a strategic environmental assessment report
for an indefinite period; Ministries, local authorities No on the basis of Section 41 and subsection 1 of § 37 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding an environmental impact assessment programme
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Clause 1 of subsection 2 of § 16 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding an environmental impact assessment report
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Section 21 and clause 1 of subsection 2 of § 16 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of refusal to initiate a strategic environmental assessment
for an indefinite period; Ministries, local authorities No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 35 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notice of refusal to initiate an environmental impact assessment
for an indefinite period; Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.) No on the basis of Clause 2 of subsection 1¹ of § 12 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS) (from 01.07.2015, previously clause 3 of subsection 1 of § 12)
Notice of revoking an environmental impact assessment licence
Published from 01.07.2015
until an indefinite or a new licence is granted; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 10 of § 15 of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS)
Notification of disclosure of the Natura assessment report
Published from 20.07.2023
for an indefinite period; Kliimaministeerium No on the basis of section 69⁸ (2) of Nature Conservation Act
Notification of disclosure of the Natura exception report
Published from 20.07.2023
for an indefinite period; Kliimaministeerium No on the basis of section 69⁸ (2) of Nature Conservation Act
Environmental permit notices
Notice of an auction for the right to receive a geological investigation permit or exploration permit
Published from 13.12.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 34 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of an aution for the right to receive an environmental permit
Published from 31.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 54 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of an aution for the right to receive an extraction permit
Published from 06.11.2017 to; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 54 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of decision to close a waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Section 110 of the Industrial Emissions Act (THS)
Notice of granting authorisation to carry out a procedure involving a genetically modified animal
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculturev No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 55 of the Animal Protection Act (LoKS)
Notice of granting or amending a waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 80 of the Waste Act (JäätS)
Notice of granting or refusal to grant a permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 91 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of granting or refusal to grant a radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 58 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 58 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an environmental permit
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 58 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an integrated permit
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 58 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of granting or refusing to grant an environmental permit
Published from 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Kliimaministeerium, Keskkonnaamet No on the basis of Section 58(3) of the General Law on the Environment (KeÜS)
Notice of granting, refusing to grant or amending a hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Regulation No. 121 of the Government of the Republic of 16.04.2004 "Procedure for granting, amending and revoking a hazardous waste management licence and deadlines of procedural operations in proceedings, list of information necessary for the application for a licence and formats of the licence"
Notice of initating proceedings on a geolological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 30 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of initiating prceedings for a geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 30 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of initiating proceedings for the closure of a waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Section 107 of the Industrial Emissions Act (THS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on a hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 99¹ of the Waste Act (JäätS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on a permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 91 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on a waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Section 2 of Regulation No. 26 of the Minister of the Environment of 25.04.2004 "Terms for procedural operations in proceedings for granting, amendment or revocation of a waste permit, detailed list of information necessary for the application for a waste permit and formats of waste permit and application for waste permit"
Notice of initiating proceedings on an air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS) (from 01.01.2017, previously subsection 1 of § 78 of VÕKS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on an application for a radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on an environmental permit
Published from 31.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on an extraction permit
Published from 01.01.2017 to; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of initiating proceedings on an integrated permit
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of issuing or amendig a geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 37 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of issuing or amendig a geological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 37 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of public display of an application for a radiation practice licence
Published until; 28.03.2024
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Section 21 of the Radiation Act (KiS)
Notice of publication of a draft air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS) (from 01.01.2017, previously subsection 1 of § 78 of VÕKS)
Notice of publication of a draft environmental permit
Published from 25.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Kliimaministeerium, Keskkonnaamet No on the basis of Section 47(2) of the General Law on the Environment (KeÜS)
Notice of publication of a draft environmental permit
Published from 01.01.2017 to; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of publication of a draft integrated permit
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of publication of a draft radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS)
Notice of publication of a draft waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 79¹9 of the Waste Act (JäätS)
Notice of publishing a draft geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 30 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of publishing a draft geological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 30 of the Earth's Crust Act (MaaPS)
Notice of publishing a draft hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 99¹ of the Waste Act (JäätS)
Notice of publishing a draft permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 9¹ of the Water Act (VeeS)
Fire safety notices
Notice of the beginning or end of a fire-risk period
for an indefinite period; Rescue Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 16 of the Fire Safety Act (TuOS)
Notice of the beginning or end of a high fire-risk period
for an indefinite period; Rescue Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 16 of the Fire Safety Act (TuOS)
Notice of private forestry support
for an indefinite period; Estonian Private Forest Centre No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 3 of Regulation No. 10 of the Minister of the Enironment of 14.04.2014 "Grounds of granting private forestry support, requirements for applications, procedure for application for support and review of applications, grounds of evaluation of applications and the procedure for recovery of support"
Health care notices
Notice of deprivation of the right to practise as a family physician with a practice list and deprivation of the practice list
not later than … 30 years of publication; Health Board No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 37 of the Health Services Organisation Act (TTKS)
Notice of issuing an activity licence for handling of infectious material
for an indefinite period; Health Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 34 of the Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Act (NETS)
Notice of partially revoking an activity licence for handling of infectious material
for an indefinite period; Health Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 39 of the Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Act (NETS)
Notice of revoking an activity licence for handling of infectious material
for an indefinite period; Health Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 38 of the Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Act (NETS)
Notice of service of decision on exclusion from the practice list of a family physician
not later than … 1 month of publication; Health Board No on the basis of Subsection 4⁴ of § 8 of the Health Services Organisation Act (TTKS)
Hunting and fishing notices
Notice of Estonian average first buying-in prices of fish for the preceding year
Published from 01.12.2017
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 15 of the Fishing Act (KPS)
Notice of an auction for fishing opportunities for commercial fishing
for an indefinite period; Argriculture and Food Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 2 of Regulation No. 89 of the Government of the Republic of 08.06.2017 "Procedure for organising an auction of fishing opportunities for commercial fishing"
Notice of application for a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 16 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of ceasing to accept applications for fishing support
Published from 11.07.2017
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board No on the basis of Regulation established on the basis of the Fisheries Market Organisation Act (KTKS)
Notice of creation of a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 11 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of establishing a temporary closed season for fishing
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 11 of the Fishing Act (KPS)
Notice of expiry of a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 20 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of extending a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 18 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of fishing support
for an indefinite period; Agricultural Registers and Information Board No on the basis of Regulation established on the basis of the Fisheries Market Organisation Act (KTKS)
Notice of issuing a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 17 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of re-opening commercial fishing
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsections 2 and 3 of § 49 of the Fishing Act (KPS)
Notice of refusal to extend a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 18 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of restrictions and conditions for wild game harvest quotas and structure
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 22 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of revoking a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period; Environmental Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 20 of the Hunting Act (JahiS)
Notice of suspending commercial fishing
for an indefinite period; Argriculture and Food Board No on the basis of Subsections 2 and 4 of § 49 of the Fishing Act (KPS)
Labour disputes tribunal and Industrial Property Committee notices
Notice of hearing a labour dispute in written proceedings
Published from 19.03.2021
not later than … 3 months of publication; Labour Inspectorate No on the basis of Section 24 of the Labour Dispute Resolution Act (TvLS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a petition for withdrawal in proceedings of an employment tribunal
Published from 09.02.2021
not later than … 3 months of publication; Labour Inspectorate No on the basis of Section 24 of the Labour Dispute Resolution Act (TvLS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a procedural document in proceedings of an employment tribunal
Published from 25.04.2018
not later than … 3 months of publication; Labour Inspectorate No on the basis of Section 24 of the Labour Dispute Resolution Act (TvLS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a request of the Property Board of Appeal
Published from 30.03.2020
not later than … 2 months of publication; Property Board of Appeal No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 48¹ of the Principles of Legal Regulation of Industrial Property Act (TÕAS)
Notice of service of summons of an employment tribunal
Published from 16.03.2018
one month from the meeting; Labour Inspectorate No on the basis of Section 24 of the Labour Dispute Resolution Act (TvLS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Land cadastre notices
Notice of the land cadastre
Published from 12.03.2019
not later than … 30 years of publication; Land Board No on the basis of Subsection 6¹ of § 8 of the Land Cadastre Act (MaaKatS)
Land reform notices
Notice of service of a land reform document
Published from 22.11.2018
not later than … 2 months of publication; Land Board, local authorities No on the basis of Section 38¹ of the Land Reform Act (MaaRS)
Notice of service of a land reform document to successors
Published from 22.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Land Board, local authorities No on the basis of Section 38¹ of the Land Reform Act (MaaRS)
Land register notices
Notice of a demand for the deletion of a preliminary notation in the land register
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 1 year of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 632 of the Law of Property Act (AÕS)
Notice of opening a register part in the land register
not later than … 3 months of publication; Land Registry Department of a court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 8¹ of the Land Register Act (KRS)
Notice of service of an order of the Land Registry Department of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Land Registry Department of a court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Liquidation notices of legal persons in public law
Notice of commencement of liquidation proceedings of the Development Fund
for an indefinite period; Liquidator No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 12 of the Foresight Act (ASeS)
Military service notices
Notice of service of document to a person liable to national defence obligation
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Defence Resources Agency No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 15 of the Military Service Act (KVTS)
Nature Conservation notices
Notice of initiating proceedings on placing a natural object under protection
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 9 of the Nature Conservation Act (LKS)
Notices by the Bar Association
Announcement of the admission of an attorney to the Bar Association
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 23 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of disbarment from the Bar Association
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 38 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of exclusion from the Bar Association
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 38 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of granting a person the right to practise as an associate member
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 66 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of reinstatement of Bar Association membership
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 35 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of reinstatement of an attorney's right to practise law
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 35 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of suspension of Bar Association membership
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 35 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notice of suspension of legal practice of an attorney
not later than … 30 years of publication; Estonian Bar Association No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 35 of the Bar Association Act (AdvS)
Notices concerning active legal capacity of a minor
Notice of extending a minor’s active legal capacity
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 577 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of setting aside an order by which a minor’s active legal capacity is extended
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Section 576 and subsection 2 of § 577 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of varying an order by which a minor’s active legal capacity is extended
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Section 576 and subsection 2 of § 577 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notices concerning administrative contracts
Notice for entry into an administrative contract
for an indefinite period; State agencies, local authoriries, legal persons in public law No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 13 of the Administrative Co-operation Act (HKTS)
Notice of entering into an administrative contract
for an indefinite period; State agencies, local authoriries, legal persons in public law No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 13 of the Administrative Co-operation Act (HKTS)
Notice of performance of an administrative contract
for an indefinite period; State agencies, local authoriries, legal persons in public law No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 13 of the Administrative Co-operation Act (HKTS)
Notices concerning education and vocations
Notice of exchaning an original certificate of proficiency in the Estonian language to an electronic certificate
not later than … 30 years of publication; Establishment issuing certificates (SA Innove) No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 6 of Regulation No. 23 of the Minister of Education and Research of 13.06.2011 "Format of a certificate of proficiency in the Estonian language and the procedure for the issue thereof"
Notice of exchaning an original national examination certificate to an electronic certificate
not later than … 30 years of publication; Establishment issuing certificates (SA Innove) No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 16 of Regulation No. 113 of the Government of the Republic of 13.08.2010 "Statutes and formats of basic school and upper secondary school graduation certificates and national examination certificates"
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a diploma and/or diploma supplement
not later than … 30 years of publication; Establishment of higher education, Ministry of Education and Research Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 18 of Regulation No. 36 of the Minister of Education and Research of 16.08.2019 "The uniform grading system and the conditions of and procedure for issuing diplomas and diploma supplements"
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a graduation document and/or results report of a general education school
not later than … 30 years of publication; Educational institution providing general education, Ministry of Education and Research Yes on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 18 of Regulation No. 113 of the Government of the Republic of 13.08.2010 "Statutes and formats of basic school and upper secondary school graduation certificates and national examination certificates"
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a graduation document and/or results report of a vocational educational institution
not later than … 30 years of publication; Educational institution providing vocational education, Ministry of Education and Research Yes on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 17 of Regulation No. 137 of the Government of the Republic of 18.09.2013 "Formats and statutes of and the procedure for issue of graduation documents issued by the vocational educational institution"
Notice of revoking a diploma and/or diploma supplement
Published from 29.08.2017
for an indefinite period; Establishment of higher education, Ministry of Education and Research No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 18 of Regulation No. 36 of the Minister of Education and Research of 16.08.2019 "The uniform grading system and the conditions of and procedure for issuing diplomas and diploma supplements"
Notice of revoking a graduation document and/or results report of a general education school
Published from 23.02.2022
not later than … 30 years of publication; Educational institution providing general education, Ministry of Education and Research No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 18 of Regulation No. 113 of the Government of the Republic of 13.08.2010 "Statutes and formats of basic school and upper secondary school graduation certificates and national examination certificates"
Notice of revoking a professional certificate
not later than … 30 years of publication; Body that awards professions No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 22 of the Professions Act (KutS)
Notice of revoking blank forms of documents certifying education
for an indefinite period; Establishment of general, vocational or higher education, Ministry of Education and Research No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 5 of Regulation No. 107 of the Government of the Republic of 03.07.2014 "Procedure for ordering, issue, return and reporting of blank document forms and medals certifying education"
Notices concerning the service of court documents
Notice of service of a procedural document in administrative proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 72 of the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (HKMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a procedural document in civil proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a summons in administrative proceedings
one month from the date of the hearing; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 72 of the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (HKMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a summons in civil proceedings
one month from the date of the hearing; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notices concerning the use of public water bodies
Notice of application for a superficies licence for a public water body
for an indefinite period; From 01.07.2015 Technical Regulatory Authority (previously Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 219 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of establishing a speed limit on a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 18 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of prohibiting navigation on a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 18 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of prohibiting traffic on the ice of a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 18 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notification of an application for a building permit for a public body of water
Published from 28.02.2023
for an indefinite period; Kehtib alates 07.05.2022 No on the basis of Section 113⁶ (1) of Building Code
Notices of banking and securities
Notice of interest rate
for an indefinite period; Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank) No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 94 of the Law of Obligations Act (VÕS)
Notice of waiver of the status of an account operator
Published from 01.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Account operator of securities account Yes on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 37 of the Securities Register Maintenance Act (EVKS)
Notide of revoking the status of an account operator and transferring the right to administer securities accounts
Published from 02.04.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Registrar of the Estonian register of securities Yes on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 36 of the Securities Register Maintenance Act (EVKS)
Notification of the initiation of the process of closing temporary securities accounts
Published from 06.10.2023
not later than … 30 years of publication; Registrar of Securities Yes on the basis of § 18(4) of the Securities Register Maintenance Act (EVKS)
Notices of bankruptcy proceedings
Notice of a general meeting of creditors
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 79 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulment of a compromise and reopening of the bankruptcy proceedings
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 190 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulment of a compromise and reopening the proceedings for the release from obligations
Published from 23.08.2022
Pending the end of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 190 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulment of ruling on release of debtor from obligations not performed in bankruptcy proceedings
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 177 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of annulment of ruling on release of debtor from obligations not performed in bankruptcy proceedings (FIMS)
Published from 08.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 51 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS)
Notice of approval of a compromise
not later than … 3 years of publication; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 183 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of approving a distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 145 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of approving a preliminary distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 144 and subsection 5 of § 145 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of approving the list of creditors
Published from 07.04.2021
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 100³ of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of cancellation of a restraint on disposition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 and 4 of § 21 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of change of trusted practitioner in proceedings for the declaration of bankruptcy and release from obligations
Published from 24.08.2022
until the termination of insolvency proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 55 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS)
Notice of change of trustee in bankruptcy
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy and proceedings for release from obligations of a natural person
Published from 20.07.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FiMS) and subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy of a natural person
Published from 20.07.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FiMS) and subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of dismissing or refusing to hear a bankruptcy petition
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS)
Notice of dismissing or refusing to hear an insolvency petition
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS)
Notice of enabling to examine a distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 143 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of enabling to examine a preliminary distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 143 and subsection 3 of § 144 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of examination of the list of creditors
Published from 04.03.2021
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 100¹ of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of examining the final report in bankruptcy proceedings
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 163 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of first general meeting of creditors
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of insolvency proceedings initiated in another Member State of the European Union
Published from 22.01.2019
not later than … 3 years of publication; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 33 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS) and Article 28 (2) of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council on insolvency proceedings
Notice of meeting for the defence of claims of creditors
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 100 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of payment for covering the costs of the bankruptcy proceedings a deposit
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 30 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of publication of a restraint on disposition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 21 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of refusal to release a debtor from obligations not performed
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 175 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of refusal to release a debtor from obligations not performed (FiMS from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 14 of § 49 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FiMS)
Notice of refusing to approve a distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 145 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of refusing to approve a preliminary distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 144 and subsection 5 of § 145 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of refusing to approve the list of creditors
Published from 07.04.2021
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 100³ of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of releasing a debtor from obligations not performed
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 175 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of releasing a debtor from obligations not performed (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 14 of § 49 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FiMS)
Notice of submission of an application for termination of bankruptcy proceedings
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court, trustee in bankruptcy No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 161 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of terminating bankruptcy proceedings by approval of the final report
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 163 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of terminating proceedings on a bankruptcy petition by abatement
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 29 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of terminating proceedings on an insolvency petition by abatement
Published from 20.07.2022
until the termination of insolvency proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 18 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FiMS) and subsection 4 of § 29 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of termination of bankruptcy proceedings
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 163 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of termination of bankruptcy proceedings with termination of bankruptcy proceedings
Published from 26.06.2024
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of § 163(7) Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of termination of proceedings for release of a debtor from obligations after basis has ceased to exist
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 52 of the Natural Person Insolvency Act (FIMS)
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 17 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition and publication of a restraint on disposition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 17 and subsection 1 of § 21 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of an insolvency petition and publication of a restraint on disposition
Published from 23.08.2022
Until the end of the insolvency proceedings; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 17 and subsection 1 of § 21 of the Bankruptcy Act (PankrS)
Notices of companies, non-profit associations and foundations
Notice of a division of a company
for an indefinite period; General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association Yes on the basis of Subsection 2¹ of § 447 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of a meger of non-profit associations
for an indefinite period; Non-profit association Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 59 of the Non-profit Associations Act (MTÜS)
Notice of a memorandum of a European company being drawn up
for an indefinite period; European company Yes on the basis of Section 14 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 on the Statute for a European company (SE) Implementation Act (SEPS)
Notice of a merger of a European Cooperative Society
for an indefinite period; European Cooperative Society Yes on the basis of Section 8 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE) Implementation Act (SCEPS)
Notice of a merger of a European company
for an indefinite period; European company Yes on the basis of Section 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 on the Statute for a European company (SE) Implementation Act (SEPS)
Notice of a merger of a company
for an indefinite period; General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 399 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of a merger of a foundation
for an indefinite period; Foundation Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 64 of the Foundations Act (SAS)
Notice of a transfer proposal of a European Cooperative Society being drawn up
for an indefinite period; European Cooperative Society Yes on the basis of Section 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE) Implementation Act (SCEPS)
Notice of a transfer proposal of a European company being drawn up
for an indefinite period; European company Yes on the basis of Section 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 on the Statute for a European company (SE) Implementation Act (SEPS)
Notice of a transformation of a company
for an indefinite period; General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 483 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of assignment of proportional participation by a member of a European Economic Interest Grouping
for an indefinite period; European Economic Interest Grouping Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 6 of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2137/85 on the European Economic Interest Grouping Implementation Act (EMHÜS)
Notice of distribution of a foundation
for an indefinite period; Foundation Yes on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 78 of the Foundations Act (SAS)
Notice of division of a non-profit association
for an indefinite period; Non-profit association Yes on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 73 of the Non-profit Associations Act (MTÜS)
Notice of draft terms of conversion of a European Cooperative Society being drawn up
for an indefinite period; European Cooperative Society Yes on the basis of Section 9 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE) Implementation Act (SCEPS)
Notice of draft terms of conversion of a European company being drawn up
for an indefinite period; European company Yes on the basis of Section 15 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 on the Statute for a European company (SE) Implementation Act (SEPS)
Notice of drafting a division plan or entry into a division agreement
for an indefinite period; General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association Yes on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 463 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of entry into a cross-border merger agreement
for an indefinite period; Public limited company, provate limited company, European company Yes on the basis of Section 433² and subsection 4 of § 419 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of entry into a division agreement
for an indefinite period; Public limited company Yes on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 463 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of entry into a merger agreement of a commercial association
Published from 04.07.2019
for an indefinite period; Commercial associations Yes on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 419 of the Commercial Code (ÄS) and Article 24 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1435/2003
Notice of entry into a merger agreement of a public limited company
for an indefinite period; Public limited company Yes on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 419 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of intention of transferring the seat of a European Economic Interest Grouping
for an indefinite period; European Economic Interest Grouping Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 6 of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2137/85 on the European Economic Interest Grouping Implementation Act (EMHÜS)
Notice of liquidation of an appartment association
Published from 27.08.2018
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 42 of the General Part of the Civil Code Act (TsÜS)
Notice of liquidation prceedings of a general partnership
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 42 of the General Part of the Civil Code Act (TsÜS)
Notice of liquidation prceedings of a limited partnership
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 42 of the General Part of the Civil Code Act (TsÜS)
Notice of liquidation preceedings of a non-profit association
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 47 of the Non-profit Associations Act (MTÜS)
Notice of liquidation proceedigs of a private limited company
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 212 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a branch
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 390 of the Commercial Code (ÄS) and subsection 1 of § 42 of the General Part of the Civil Code Act (TsÜS)
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a commercial association
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 85 of the Commercial Associations Act (TÜS)
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a foundation
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 53 of the Foundations Act (SAS)
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a public limited company
for an indefinite period; Liquidator Yes on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 375 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of merging with the assets of a natural person
not later than … 30 years of publication; Public limited company, private limited company Yes on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 427³ of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of public limited company using securities as non-monetary contribution
for an indefinite period; Public limited company Yes on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 2491 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of reducing share capital
for an indefinite period; Public limited company Yes on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 358 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of reducing the share capital of a commercial association
Published from 24.05.2016
not later than … 30 years of publication; Commercial association Yes on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 199 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notice of reducing the share capital of a private limited company
for an indefinite period; Private limited company Yes on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 199 of the Commercial Code (ÄS)
Notices of enforcement proceedings
Enforcement notice
until the closure of the enforcement procedure; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 10 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of an enforcement operation
until the closure of the enforcement procedure; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 10 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of attachment of property
until the closure of the enforcement procedure; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 10 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of change of enforcement agent
for an indefinite period; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 31 of Regulation No. 42 of the Minister of Justice of 15.12.2009 "Enforcement agent regulations"
Notice of enforcement proceedings
until the closure of the enforcement procedure; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 10 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of a manifestation of intention
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Enforcement agent No on the basis of Section 213 and § 214 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notide of eviction
until the closure of the enforcement procedure; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 10 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notices of environmental plans
Nitrates vulnerable Area Action Plan notification
for an indefinite period; Kliimaministeerium No on the basis of Section 50(2) of the water Act (in water)
Notice of approval of a part of marine strategy
Published from 22.06.2020
Indefinite; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 72 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of initiating the preparation of a river basin management plan
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 48 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of preparation of an action plan for a nitrate vulnerable zone
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 50 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of public display of a draft flood risk management plans
Published from 23.09.2021
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 48 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of public display of a draft river basin management plan and its related documents
Published from 28.06.2021
for an indefinite period; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 48 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notice of public display of a part of marine strategy
Published from 22.06.2020
Indefinite; Ministry of the Climate of Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 72 of the Water Act (VeeS)
Notices of expropriations and establishing compulsory possession
Notice of an expropriation decision
Published from 04.06.2019
not later than … 2 months of publication; Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 29 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notice of an expropriation decision to successors
Published from 30.09.2021
not later than … 30 years of publication; Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 29 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notice of deletion of the limited property right encumbering the real estate to be acquired
Published from 28.04.2023
not later than … 2 months of publication; Ministeeriumid, Maanteeamet, Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskus, Maa-amet, kohaliku omavalitsuse üksus No on the basis of paragraph 7(4) of the Act on the acquisition of immovable property in the public interest (KAHOS)
Notice of establishing compulsory possession
Published from 30.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 29 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notice of forced cancellation of limited property right
Published from 14.12.2023
not later than … 30 years of publication; No on the basis of Section 27¹ (4) of Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act
Notice of initiation of expropriation proceedings
Published from 07.05.2019
not earlier than 2 months of publication;
not later than … 4 months of publication;
Ministeeriumid, Maanteeamet, Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskus, Maa-amet, kohaliku omavalitsuse üksus No on the basis of paragraph 7(4) of the Act on the acquisition of IMMOVABLE PROPERTY in the public interest (KAHOS)
Notice of initiation of proceedings for establishing compulsory possession to successors
Published from 30.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 7 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notice of initiation of proceedings for expropriation
Published from 30.11.2018
not later than … 2 months of publication; Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 7 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notice of proceedings for the acquisition of an immovable
Published from 21.08.2019
not earlier than 2 months of publication;
not later than … 4 months of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 7 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notice of proceedings for the acquisition of an immovable to successors
Published from 24.08.2021
not later than … 30 years of publication; Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 7 of the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act (KAHOS)
Notices of organising local issues
Notice of appointing a water undertaking found by public procurement
Published until; 25.03.2024
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 7 of the Public Water Supply and Sewerage Act (ÜVVKS)
Notice of change of residentail address in Population Register
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Local authority No on the basis of Section 89 of the Population Register Act (RRS)
Notice of change of residentail address in Population Register - on initiative of local authority
Published from 06.09.2022
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 871 of the Population Register Act (RRS)
Notice of initiating reallocation
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 19 of the Land Consolidation Act (MaaKS)
Notice of occupation of an ownerless construction
not later than … 30 years of publication; Local authority No on the basis of Clause 9 of Regulation No. 211 of the Government of the Republic of 08.08.1996 "Approcal of procedure for occupation of an ownerless construction"
Notice of public display of results of a mass valuation of land
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 5¹ of the Land Valuation Act (MHS)
Notice of publishing a list of candidates for lay judges
not later than … 2 months of publication; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 107 of the Courts Act (KS)
Notice of summons to the sitting of a rent tribunal
one month from the date of the hearing; Rent tribunal No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 9 of the Lease Disputes Resolution Act (ÜVLS) and subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notification of the appointment of a water company
Published from 25.03.2024
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of section 24 (3) of the Law on public water supply and sewerage (CFSP)
Notices of persons declared legally dead or missing
Notice of a person declared legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 511 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of a petition to declare a missing person legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 510 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of amending an order by which a person is declared legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 and 5 of § 511 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of repealing an order by which a person is declared legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2 and 5 of § 511 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notices of public competitions
Notice of organising a public competition for electing a body that awards professions
for an indefinite period; Authorised professional institution (Estonian Qualifications Authority) No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 3 of Regulation No. 64 of the Minister of Education and Research of 25.08.2009 "Procedure for the organisation of a public competition for electing a body that awards professions and the list of documents certifying compliance to conditions for participating in the competition"
Notice of public competition for a district prosecutor
for an indefinite period; Prosecutor's office No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 18 of the Prosecutor's Office Act (ProkS)
Notice of public competition for a person completing the preparatory service plan of an assistant judge
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 116¹ of the Courts Act (KS)
Notice of public competition for a specialised prosecutor
for an indefinite period; Prosecutor's office No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 18 of the Prosecutor's Office Act (ProkS)
Notice of public competition for a state prosecutor
Published from 16.10.2018
for an indefinite period; Prosecutor's office No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 18 of the Prosecutor's Office Act (ProkS)
Notice of public competition for an assistant judge
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 120 of the Courts Act (KS)
Notice of public competition for an assistant prosecutor
for an indefinite period; Prosecutor's office No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 18 of the Prosecutor's Office Act (ProkS)
Notice of public competition for an authorised veterinarian
for an indefinite period; Veterinary and Food Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 10 of the Veterinary Activities Organisation Act (VetKS)
Notice of public competition for the position of judge
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 53 of the Courts Act (KS)
Notices of public competitions for legal aid
Announcement of the winner of the competition for legal advice for the elderly
Published from 26.01.2023
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Section 10(4) of Regulation No. 4 of the Minister of Justice of 15.02.2021 "State-supported legal advice"
Notice of competition for legal advice for the elderly
Published from 09.12.2022
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of paragraph 7(1) of Regulation No 4 of the Minister of Justice of 15.02.2021 entitled “State supported legal advice”
Notice of public competition for distribution of support for legal advice to natural persons
Published from 09.01.2017
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 7 of Regulation No. 4 of the Minister of Justice of 15.02.2021 "State-funded legal advice"
Notice of public competition for legal advice to persons with special needs
Published from 31.12.2021
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 7 of Regulation No. 4 of the Minister of Justice of 15.02.2021 "State-funded legal advice"
Notice of winner of public competition for distribution of support for legal advice to natural persons
Published from 01.03.2017
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 10 of Regulation No. 4 of the Minister of Justice of 15.02.2021 "State-funded legal advice"
Notice of winner of public competition for legal advice to persons with special needs
Published from 10.03.2022
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Justice No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 10 of Regulation No. 4 of the Minister of Justice of 15.02.2021 "State-funded legal advice"
Notices of reorganisation proceedings
Notice of a meeting on a draft reorganisation plan
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication; Reorganisation adviser No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 20 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of a request for approval of reorganisation plan which has not been accepted
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication; Reorganisation adviser No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 29 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of approving a reorganisation plan
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2² of § 37 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of change of reorganisation adviser
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure; Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 19 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of extending the term for submission of a reorganisation plan for approval to the court
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 36¹ of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of invitation regarding a draft reorganisation plan
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication; Reorganisation adviser No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 20 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of refusing to approve a reorganisation plan
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure; Court No on the basis of Subsection 2² of § 37 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of setting an additional term for submission of a reorganisation plan to the court
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 36¹ of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notice of terminating reorganisation proceedings
Published from 12.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication; Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 38 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Reorganisation notice
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication; Reorganisation adviser No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 12 of the Reorganisation Act (SanS)
Notices of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
Notice of service of a European Enforcement Order certificate of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Department of Orders for Payment of a court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of service of an order of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Department of Orders for Payment of a court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of servicing an excerpt from a judgment of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Department of Orders for Payment of a court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 317 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Other court notices
Notice of a preclusion order
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 501 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of appointing a joint representative to partners or shareholders of a company
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 609 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of determining the amount of compensation payable to partners or shareholders of a company
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 612 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of forwarding a procedural document in civil proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 310 and subsection 9 of § 477 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of order of guardianship proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 50 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 531 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Court No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 500 of the Code of Civil Procedure (TsMS)
Planning notices
Notice of adopting a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 109 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of adopting a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 41 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of bringing a comprehensive spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 91 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of bringing a county-wide spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 71 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of bringing a municipal designated spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 122 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of bringing a national designated spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior or relevant authority of the executive branch in charge of the policy sector No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 53 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of bringing into effect of a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 139 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a detailed solution for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 115 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a detailed solution for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 47 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 120 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 52 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a proposed decision on pre-selecting a location for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 40 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 108 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing the initial positions for pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 102 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing the initial positions for pre-selecting a location for the national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 34 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of initiating a comprehensive spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 77 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of initiating a county-wide spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 58 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of initiating a national spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 16 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of initiating the creation of a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 7 of § 128 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of initiating the creation of a municipal designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 96 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of initiating the creation of a national designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior or relevant authority of the executive branch in charge of the policy sector No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 28 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of public display of a detailed solution for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 113 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of public display of a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 118 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of public display of a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 6 of § 50 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of reception of an application to initiate the creation of a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 28 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of repealing a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 5 of § 150 and subsection 3 of § 139 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notice of terminating a national designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 21.11.2018
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture or relevant authority of the executive branch in charge of the policy sector No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 29 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Notide of bringing a national spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 24 of the Planning Act (PlanS)
Power of attorney notices
Notice of declaring power of attorney as invalid
not later than … 30 years of publication; Notary No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 37¹ of the Notarisation Act (TõS)
Notice of declaring power of attorney as invalid (consular officer)
Published from 07.09.2022
not later than … 30 years of publication; Consular officer No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 37¹ of the Notarisation Act (TõS)
Rail transport notices
Notice of an operational safety certificate of a possessor of non-public railways
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsections 7 and 8 of § 23 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of designating railway infrastructure for public use
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 9 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of designation of an IM/RU engaged in public transport of passengers
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 9 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of exclusion from IM/RUs engaged in public transport of passengers
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 9 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of revoking the operating licence of an IM/RU
for an indefinite period; Competition Authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 18 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of safety authorisation of a railway infrastructure manager
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsections 7 and 8 of § 23 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of safety certification of a railway undertaking
for an indefinite period; Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsections 7 and 8 of § 23 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Notice of suspending the operating licence of an IM/RU
for an indefinite period; Competition Authority, Technical Regulatory Authority No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 17 of the Railways Act (RdtS)
Reverse auction notices
Notice of reverse auction for generating electricity from renewable sources
Published from 11.11.2019
for an indefinite period; Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 8 of Regulation No. 86 of the Government of the Republic of 07.11.2019 "Conditions of and Procedure for Reverse Auctions Organised for Generating Energy from Renewable Energy Sources and in Efficient Co-Generation Process"
Road traffic notices
Notice of a penalty for exceeding the permitted speed limit
not later than … 2 months of publication; Police and Border Guard Board No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 54³ of the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure (VTMS)
Notice of suspension of right to drive motor vehicles
Published from 03.10.2019
not later than … 2 months of publication; Road Administration No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 124 of the Road Traffic Act (LS)
Notide of a penalty for the violation of parking rules
not later than … 2 months of publication; Local authority No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 54³ of the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure (VTMS)
Satistics notices
Notice of esitmated amount of subsistence minimum
Published from 10.06.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Statistics Estonia No on the basis of Subsection 14 of § 132 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure (TMS)
Social benefit and compensation notices
Notice of alimony recovery during bankruptcy proceedings
Published from 26.02.2024
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Security Office No on the basis of § 14 (4) of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of child leave benefit recovery
Published from 26.02.2024
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Security Office No on the basis of § 63 (8) of Employment Contracts Act and § 14 (4) of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of collection of maintenance claim
Published from 16.03.2018
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 14 of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of granting maintenance allowance
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 52 of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of recovery of family allowance
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 14 of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of recovery of maintenance allowance
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 14 of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of recovery of parental benefit
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 14 of the Family Benefits Act (PHS)
Notice of recovery of pension
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 1¹ of § 48 of the State Pension Insurance Act (RPKS)
Notice of recovery of social benefit for disabled persons
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 4 of § 24 of the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act (PISTS)
Notice to obligor of a maintenance claim
Published until; 01.01.2017
not later than … 3 months of publication; Social Insurance Board No on the basis of Subsection 8 of § 10 of the Maintenance Allowance Act (ElatisAS)
State asset notices
Notice of auction for state assets
for an indefinite period; Administrator of state assets No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 58 of the State Assets Act (RVS)
Notice of determining compensation for unlawfully expropriated land
not later than … 30 years of publication; Ministry of Finance No on the basis of Clause 36² of Regulation No. 216 of the Government of the Republic of 13.07.1993 "Procedure for determining compensation for unlawfully expropriated property"
Notice of establishing usufruct on state land
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Land Board No on the basis of Subsection 3 of § 18 of Regulation No. 24 of the Government of the Republic of 31.01.2005 "Procedure for establishment of usufruct on state land"
Notice of expropriation of weapons and ammunition
Published from 24.09.2018
not later than … 2 months of publication; Police and Border Guard Board No on the basis of Subsection 3¹ of § 6 of the Weapons Act (RelvS)
Notice of expropriation of weapons and ammunition to successors
Published from 24.09.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Police and Border Guard Board No on the basis of Subsection 3¹ of § 6 of the Weapons Act (RelvS)
Notice of privatisation of land by auction
for an indefinite period; - No on the basis of Clause 19 of Regulation No. 268 of the Government of the Republic of 06.11.1996 "Approval of procedure for privarisation of land by auction"
Notice of repealing a decision on retention of land in state ownership
for an indefinite period; Administrator of state assets No on the basis of Clause 17 of Regulation No. 226 of the Government of the Republic of 03.09.1996 "Procedure for retention of land in state ownership"
Notice of retention of land in state ownership
for an indefinite period; Administrator of state assets No on the basis of Clause 17 of Regulation No. 226 of the Government of the Republic of 03.09.1996 "Procedure for retention of land in state ownership"
Notice of transferring state assets
not later than … 30 years of publication; Administrator of state assets No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 50 of the State Assets Act (RVS)
State authority reorganisation notices
Notice of reorganisation of a state authority
for an indefinite period; State Chancellery No on the basis of Clause 42 of Regulation No. 244 of the Government of the Republic of 08.10.1996 "Approval of procedure for formation and reorganisation of governmental authoroties and the termination of their activities"
Notice of termination of activities of a state authority by reorganisation
for an indefinite period; State Chancellery No on the basis of Clause 66 of Regulation No. 244 of the Government of the Republic of 08.10.1996 "Approval of procedure for formation and reorganisation of governmental authoroties and the termination of their activities"
Succsession notices
Notice of initiation of succession proceedings
not later than … 30 years of publication; Notary No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 168 of the Law of Succession Act (PärS)
Notice of revoking a certificate authenticated in the succession proceedings
Published from 04.04.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication; Notary No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 23 of Regulation No. 53 of the Minister of Justice of 18.12.2008 "Procedure for performance of notarial acts arising from the Law of Succession Act"
Notice of revoking a certificate of succession and conducting supplementary succession proceedings
not later than … 30 years of publication; Notary No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 168 of the Law of Succession Act (PärS) and subsection 1 of § 23 of Regulation No. 53 of the Minister of Justice of 18.12.2008 "Procedure for performance of notarial acts arising from the Law of Succession Act"
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for determining a successor
not later than … 30 years of publication; Notary No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 169 of the Law of Succession Act (PärS)
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for determining obligations of bequeather
not later than … 30 years of publication; Enforcement agent No on the basis of Subsection 2 of § 140 of the Law of Succession Act (PärS)
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for initiating succession proceedings and identifying successors
not later than … 30 years of publication; Notary No on the basis of Subsection 1 of § 168 and subsection 2 and 3 of § 169 of the Law of Succession Act (PärS)
Tax authority notices
Notice of service of a document of the tax authority for local taxes
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Local authority No on the basis of Section 55 of the Taxation Act (MKS)
Notice of service of document of the Environmental Board
Published from 07.10.2020
not later than … 2 months of publication; Environmental Board No on the basis of Section 55 of the Taxation Act (MKS)
Notice of service of document of the Tax and Customs Board
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Tax and Customs Board No on the basis of Section 55 of the Taxation Act (MKS)
Toetuse teated
KIK notification of support
Published from 01.02.2023
for an indefinite period; Sihtasutus Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus No on the basis of on the basis of § 13(3) of the Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure No. 109 of 30.12.2022 "Conditions and procedures for granting subsidies for the introduction of green hydrogen in the transport sector and as a raw material in the chemical industry"
Agricultrual notices
Notice of agricultural and rural development support
Published from 09.11.2023
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Registers and Information Board
Notice of an action plan for promoting food export opportunities
Published from 10.04.2019
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Notice of an application round for support for promoting food export opportunities
Published from 07.01.2019
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB)
Notice of granting aid on the basis of the Estonian Rural Development Plan (MAK)
Published until; 09.11.2023
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Registers and Information Board
Notice of preserving permanent grassland
Published from 24.05.2017 to; 04.04.2024
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a management plan for a land improvement system
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Board
Notice of termination of acceptance of applications
Published from 27.06.2024
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB)
Auction and sale notices
Notice of an auction for a movable in bankruptcy proceedings
until the end of bankruptcy proceedings or the end of the validity of the sale announcement, but no longer than 1 year;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of an auction for a movable in enforcement proceedings
until the end of the enforcement procedure or the end of the validity of the sales advertisement, but no longer than 1 year;
Enforcement agent
Notice of an auction for an immovable in bankruptcy proceedings
until the end of bankruptcy proceedings or the end of the validity of the sale announcement, but no longer than 1 year;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of an auction for an immovable in enforcement proceedings
until the end of the enforcement procedure or the end of the validity of the sales advertisement, but no longer than 1 year;
Enforcement agent
Notice of auction for the use of property of the State Forest Management Centre
for an indefinite period;
State Forest Management Centre
Notice of auction for transfer of property of the State Forest Management Centre
for an indefinite period;
State Forest Management Centre
Notice of sale of cutting rights and timber
for an indefinite period;
Manager of state forest (organiser of sale)
Collective agreement notices
Notice of extended conditions of a collective agreement
Published from 01.02.2023
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Notice of extended conditions of a collective agreement
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Commercial register notices
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a company
Published until; 01.02.2023
not later than … 6 months of publication;
Registry Department of a court
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a foundation
Published until; 01.02.2023
not later than … 6 months of publication;
Registry Department of a court
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a non-profit association
Published until; 01.02.2023
not later than … 6 months of publication;
Registry Department of a court
Notice of deletion from the business register based on a court decision
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of deletion from the business register due to non-submission of the annual report
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of deletion from the business register due to the absence of a contact person
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of deletion from the business register upon division
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of deletion from the business register upon merger
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of deletion from the business register when dividing property without liquidation procedure
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of intention to delete from the business register
Published from 21.04.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Notice of service of an order of the Registy Department of a court
not earlier than 2 months of publication;
not later than … 6 months of publication;
Registry Department of a court
Notification of deletion from the business register on the basis of a request
Published from 01.02.2023
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Court Registry Department
Competition notices
Notice of concentration
for an indefinite period;
Competition Authority
Notice of concentration decision
for an indefinite period;
Competition Authority
Notice of designating an undertaking with significant market power
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of not designating an undertaking with significant market power
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of revoking a decision on designating an undertaking with significant market power
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Debt restructuring notices
Acceptance of a debt restructuring petition
Published from 20.07.2022
until the closure of debt restructuring proceedings;
Notice of acceptance of a debt restructuring petition
Until the procedure for rescheduling debts is completed;
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and declaring the bankruptcy of a debtor
Published from 09.08.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and declaring the bankruptcy of a debtor and initiating proceedings for the release of a debtor from obligations
Published from 09.08.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and terminating the proceedings on an insolvency petition of a debtor by abatement
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of annulment of a debt restructuring plan
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of annulment of a debt restructuring plan (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of approval of a debt restructuring plan
Until the procedure for rescheduling debts is completed;
Notice of approval of a debt restructuring plan (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Until the procedure for rescheduling debts is completed;
Notice of change of trusted practitioner in debt restructuring proceedings
Published from 24.08.2022
Until the end of the debt restructuring procedure;
Notice of dismissing a debt restructuring petition
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of temination of debt restructuring proceedings
Published from 07.04.2021
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of temination of debt restructuring proceedings (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Economic activity notices
Notice of end of public competition for frequency authorisations
Published from 05.07.2017
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of invalidating a register entry in the state register of alcohol
for an indefinite period;
Veterinary and Food Board
Notice of public competition for a universal postal service provider
Notice of public competition for frequency authorisations
Published from 10.03.2017
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of winner of public competition for a universal postal service provider
Environmental impact assessment notices
Notice of a strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of an environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of appointing a new leading expert for an environmental impact assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of approving an environmental impact assessment programme
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of approving an environmental impact assessment report
for an indefinite period;
Supervisor of environmental impact assessment (Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board)
Notice of declaring a stratrgic environmental assessment programme compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministries, local authorities
Notice of declaring a stratrgic environmental assessment report compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministries, local authorities
Notice of declaring an environmental impact assessment programme compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of declaring an environmental impact assessment report compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of initiating a strategic environmental assessment
for an indefinite period;
Ministries, local authorities
Notice of initiating an environmental impact assessment
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of non-renewal of an environmental impact assessment licence
Published from 01.07.2015
until an indefinite or a new licence is granted;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a strategic environmental assessment programme
for an indefinite period;
Ministries, local authorities
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a strategic environmental assessment report
for an indefinite period;
Ministries, local authorities
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding an environmental impact assessment programme
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding an environmental impact assessment report
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of refusal to initiate a strategic environmental assessment
for an indefinite period;
Ministries, local authorities
Notice of refusal to initiate an environmental impact assessment
for an indefinite period;
Issuer of the development consent (ministries, boards, local authorities, etc.)
Notice of revoking an environmental impact assessment licence
Published from 01.07.2015
until an indefinite or a new licence is granted;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notification of disclosure of the Natura assessment report
Published from 20.07.2023
for an indefinite period;
Notification of disclosure of the Natura exception report
Published from 20.07.2023
for an indefinite period;
Environmental permit notices
Notice of an auction for the right to receive a geological investigation permit or exploration permit
Published from 13.12.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of an aution for the right to receive an environmental permit
Published from 31.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of an aution for the right to receive an extraction permit
Published from 06.11.2017 to; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of decision to close a waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of granting authorisation to carry out a procedure involving a genetically modified animal
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculturev
Notice of granting or amending a waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of granting or refusal to grant a permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board
Notice of granting or refusal to grant a radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an environmental permit
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an integrated permit
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of granting or refusing to grant an environmental permit
Published from 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Kliimaministeerium, Keskkonnaamet
Notice of granting, refusing to grant or amending a hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of initating proceedings on a geolological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of initiating prceedings for a geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings for the closure of a waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on a hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on a permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on a waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of initiating proceedings on an air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on an application for a radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on an environmental permit
Published from 31.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on an extraction permit
Published from 01.01.2017 to; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board
Notice of initiating proceedings on an integrated permit
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of issuing or amendig a geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of issuing or amendig a geological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of public display of an application for a radiation practice licence
Published until; 28.03.2024
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of publication of a draft air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of publication of a draft environmental permit
Published from 25.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Kliimaministeerium, Keskkonnaamet
Notice of publication of a draft environmental permit
Published from 01.01.2017 to; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board
Notice of publication of a draft integrated permit
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of publication of a draft radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of publication of a draft waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of publishing a draft geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of publishing a draft geological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board
Notice of publishing a draft hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of publishing a draft permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Board
Fire safety notices
Notice of the beginning or end of a fire-risk period
for an indefinite period;
Rescue Board
Notice of the beginning or end of a high fire-risk period
for an indefinite period;
Rescue Board
Notice of private forestry support
Health care notices
Notice of deprivation of the right to practise as a family physician with a practice list and deprivation of the practice list
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Health Board
Notice of issuing an activity licence for handling of infectious material
for an indefinite period;
Health Board
Notice of partially revoking an activity licence for handling of infectious material
for an indefinite period;
Health Board
Notice of revoking an activity licence for handling of infectious material
for an indefinite period;
Health Board
Notice of service of decision on exclusion from the practice list of a family physician
not later than … 1 month of publication;
Health Board
Hunting and fishing notices
Notice of Estonian average first buying-in prices of fish for the preceding year
Published from 01.12.2017
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Notice of an auction for fishing opportunities for commercial fishing
for an indefinite period;
Argriculture and Food Board
Notice of application for a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of ceasing to accept applications for fishing support
Published from 11.07.2017
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Registers and Information Board
Notice of creation of a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of establishing a temporary closed season for fishing
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of expiry of a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of extending a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of fishing support
for an indefinite period;
Agricultural Registers and Information Board
Notice of issuing a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of re-opening commercial fishing
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Notice of refusal to extend a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of restrictions and conditions for wild game harvest quotas and structure
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of revoking a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district
for an indefinite period;
Environmental Board
Notice of suspending commercial fishing
for an indefinite period;
Argriculture and Food Board
Labour disputes tribunal and Industrial Property Committee notices
Notice of hearing a labour dispute in written proceedings
Published from 19.03.2021
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Labour Inspectorate
Notice of service of a petition for withdrawal in proceedings of an employment tribunal
Published from 09.02.2021
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Labour Inspectorate
Notice of service of a procedural document in proceedings of an employment tribunal
Published from 25.04.2018
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Labour Inspectorate
Notice of service of a request of the Property Board of Appeal
Published from 30.03.2020
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Property Board of Appeal
Notice of service of summons of an employment tribunal
Published from 16.03.2018
one month from the meeting;
Labour Inspectorate
Land cadastre notices
Notice of the land cadastre
Published from 12.03.2019
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Land Board
Land reform notices
Notice of service of a land reform document
Published from 22.11.2018
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Land Board, local authorities
Notice of service of a land reform document to successors
Published from 22.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Land Board, local authorities
Land register notices
Notice of a demand for the deletion of a preliminary notation in the land register
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 1 year of publication;
Notice of opening a register part in the land register
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Land Registry Department of a court
Notice of service of an order of the Land Registry Department of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Land Registry Department of a court
Liquidation notices of legal persons in public law
Notice of commencement of liquidation proceedings of the Development Fund
for an indefinite period;
Military service notices
Notice of service of document to a person liable to national defence obligation
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Defence Resources Agency
Nature Conservation notices
Notice of initiating proceedings on placing a natural object under protection
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia, Environmental Board, local authority
Notices by the Bar Association
Announcement of the admission of an attorney to the Bar Association
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of disbarment from the Bar Association
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of exclusion from the Bar Association
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of granting a person the right to practise as an associate member
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of reinstatement of Bar Association membership
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of reinstatement of an attorney's right to practise law
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of suspension of Bar Association membership
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notice of suspension of legal practice of an attorney
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Estonian Bar Association
Notices concerning active legal capacity of a minor
Notice of extending a minor’s active legal capacity
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of setting aside an order by which a minor’s active legal capacity is extended
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of varying an order by which a minor’s active legal capacity is extended
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notices concerning administrative contracts
Notice for entry into an administrative contract
for an indefinite period;
State agencies, local authoriries, legal persons in public law
Notice of entering into an administrative contract
for an indefinite period;
State agencies, local authoriries, legal persons in public law
Notice of performance of an administrative contract
for an indefinite period;
State agencies, local authoriries, legal persons in public law
Notices concerning education and vocations
Notice of exchaning an original certificate of proficiency in the Estonian language to an electronic certificate
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Establishment issuing certificates (SA Innove)
Notice of exchaning an original national examination certificate to an electronic certificate
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Establishment issuing certificates (SA Innove)
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a diploma and/or diploma supplement
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Establishment of higher education, Ministry of Education and Research
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a graduation document and/or results report of a general education school
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Educational institution providing general education, Ministry of Education and Research
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a graduation document and/or results report of a vocational educational institution
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Educational institution providing vocational education, Ministry of Education and Research
Notice of revoking a diploma and/or diploma supplement
Published from 29.08.2017
for an indefinite period;
Establishment of higher education, Ministry of Education and Research
Notice of revoking a graduation document and/or results report of a general education school
Published from 23.02.2022
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Educational institution providing general education, Ministry of Education and Research
Notice of revoking a professional certificate
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Body that awards professions
Notice of revoking blank forms of documents certifying education
for an indefinite period;
Establishment of general, vocational or higher education, Ministry of Education and Research
Notices concerning the service of court documents
Notice of service of a procedural document in administrative proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Notice of service of a procedural document in civil proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Notice of service of a summons in administrative proceedings
one month from the date of the hearing;
Notice of service of a summons in civil proceedings
one month from the date of the hearing;
Notices concerning the use of public water bodies
Notice of application for a superficies licence for a public water body
for an indefinite period;
From 01.07.2015 Technical Regulatory Authority (previously Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)
Notice of establishing a speed limit on a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of prohibiting navigation on a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of prohibiting traffic on the ice of a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notification of an application for a building permit for a public body of water
Published from 28.02.2023
for an indefinite period;
Kehtib alates 07.05.2022
Notices of banking and securities
Notice of interest rate
for an indefinite period;
Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank)
Notice of waiver of the status of an account operator
Published from 01.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Account operator of securities account
Notide of revoking the status of an account operator and transferring the right to administer securities accounts
Published from 02.04.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Registrar of the Estonian register of securities
Notification of the initiation of the process of closing temporary securities accounts
Published from 06.10.2023
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Registrar of Securities
Notices of bankruptcy proceedings
Notice of a general meeting of creditors
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of annulment of a compromise and reopening of the bankruptcy proceedings
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of annulment of a compromise and reopening the proceedings for the release from obligations
Published from 23.08.2022
Pending the end of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of annulment of ruling on release of debtor from obligations not performed in bankruptcy proceedings
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of annulment of ruling on release of debtor from obligations not performed in bankruptcy proceedings (FIMS)
Published from 08.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of approval of a compromise
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of approving a distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of approving a preliminary distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of approving the list of creditors
Published from 07.04.2021
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of cancellation of a restraint on disposition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of change of trusted practitioner in proceedings for the declaration of bankruptcy and release from obligations
Published from 24.08.2022
until the termination of insolvency proceedings;
Notice of change of trustee in bankruptcy
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy and proceedings for release from obligations of a natural person
Published from 20.07.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy of a natural person
Published from 20.07.2022
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of dismissing or refusing to hear a bankruptcy petition
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of dismissing or refusing to hear an insolvency petition
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of enabling to examine a distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of enabling to examine a preliminary distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of examination of the list of creditors
Published from 04.03.2021
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of examining the final report in bankruptcy proceedings
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of first general meeting of creditors
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of insolvency proceedings initiated in another Member State of the European Union
Published from 22.01.2019
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of meeting for the defence of claims of creditors
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of payment for covering the costs of the bankruptcy proceedings a deposit
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of publication of a restraint on disposition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of refusal to release a debtor from obligations not performed
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of refusal to release a debtor from obligations not performed (FiMS from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of refusing to approve a distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of refusing to approve a preliminary distribution proposal
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of refusing to approve the list of creditors
Published from 07.04.2021
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of releasing a debtor from obligations not performed
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of releasing a debtor from obligations not performed (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of submission of an application for termination of bankruptcy proceedings
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Court, trustee in bankruptcy
Notice of terminating bankruptcy proceedings by approval of the final report
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of terminating proceedings on a bankruptcy petition by abatement
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of terminating proceedings on an insolvency petition by abatement
Published from 20.07.2022
until the termination of insolvency proceedings;
Notice of termination of bankruptcy proceedings
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of termination of bankruptcy proceedings with termination of bankruptcy proceedings
Published from 26.06.2024
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of termination of proceedings for release of a debtor from obligations after basis has ceased to exist
Published from 24.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition and publication of a restraint on disposition
until the closure of the bankruptcy proceedings;
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of an insolvency petition and publication of a restraint on disposition
Published from 23.08.2022
Until the end of the insolvency proceedings;
Notices of companies, non-profit associations and foundations
Notice of a division of a company
for an indefinite period;
General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association
Notice of a meger of non-profit associations
for an indefinite period;
Non-profit association
Notice of a memorandum of a European company being drawn up
for an indefinite period;
European company
Notice of a merger of a European Cooperative Society
for an indefinite period;
European Cooperative Society
Notice of a merger of a European company
for an indefinite period;
European company
Notice of a merger of a company
for an indefinite period;
General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association
Notice of a merger of a foundation
for an indefinite period;
Notice of a transfer proposal of a European Cooperative Society being drawn up
for an indefinite period;
European Cooperative Society
Notice of a transfer proposal of a European company being drawn up
for an indefinite period;
European company
Notice of a transformation of a company
for an indefinite period;
General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association
Notice of assignment of proportional participation by a member of a European Economic Interest Grouping
for an indefinite period;
European Economic Interest Grouping
Notice of distribution of a foundation
for an indefinite period;
Notice of division of a non-profit association
for an indefinite period;
Non-profit association
Notice of draft terms of conversion of a European Cooperative Society being drawn up
for an indefinite period;
European Cooperative Society
Notice of draft terms of conversion of a European company being drawn up
for an indefinite period;
European company
Notice of drafting a division plan or entry into a division agreement
for an indefinite period;
General partnership, limited partnership, private limited company, public limited company and commercial association
Notice of entry into a cross-border merger agreement
for an indefinite period;
Public limited company, provate limited company, European company
Notice of entry into a division agreement
for an indefinite period;
Public limited company
Notice of entry into a merger agreement of a commercial association
Published from 04.07.2019
for an indefinite period;
Commercial associations
Notice of entry into a merger agreement of a public limited company
for an indefinite period;
Public limited company
Notice of intention of transferring the seat of a European Economic Interest Grouping
for an indefinite period;
European Economic Interest Grouping
Notice of liquidation of an appartment association
Published from 27.08.2018
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation prceedings of a general partnership
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation prceedings of a limited partnership
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation preceedings of a non-profit association
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation proceedigs of a private limited company
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a branch
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a commercial association
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a foundation
for an indefinite period;
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a public limited company
for an indefinite period;
Notice of merging with the assets of a natural person
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Public limited company, private limited company
Notice of public limited company using securities as non-monetary contribution
for an indefinite period;
Public limited company
Notice of reducing share capital
for an indefinite period;
Public limited company
Notice of reducing the share capital of a commercial association
Published from 24.05.2016
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Commercial association
Notice of reducing the share capital of a private limited company
for an indefinite period;
Private limited company
Notices of enforcement proceedings
Enforcement notice
until the closure of the enforcement procedure;
Enforcement agent
Notice of an enforcement operation
until the closure of the enforcement procedure;
Enforcement agent
Notice of attachment of property
until the closure of the enforcement procedure;
Enforcement agent
Notice of change of enforcement agent
for an indefinite period;
Enforcement agent
Notice of enforcement proceedings
until the closure of the enforcement procedure;
Enforcement agent
Notice of service of a manifestation of intention
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Enforcement agent
Notide of eviction
until the closure of the enforcement procedure;
Enforcement agent
Notices of environmental plans
Nitrates vulnerable Area Action Plan notification
for an indefinite period;
Notice of approval of a part of marine strategy
Published from 22.06.2020
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of initiating the preparation of a river basin management plan
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of preparation of an action plan for a nitrate vulnerable zone
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of public display of a draft flood risk management plans
Published from 23.09.2021
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of public display of a draft river basin management plan and its related documents
Published from 28.06.2021
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notice of public display of a part of marine strategy
Published from 22.06.2020
Ministry of the Climate of Estonia
Notices of expropriations and establishing compulsory possession
Notice of an expropriation decision
Published from 04.06.2019
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notice of an expropriation decision to successors
Published from 30.09.2021
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notice of deletion of the limited property right encumbering the real estate to be acquired
Published from 28.04.2023
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Ministeeriumid, Maanteeamet, Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskus, Maa-amet, kohaliku omavalitsuse üksus
Notice of establishing compulsory possession
Published from 30.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notice of forced cancellation of limited property right
Published from 14.12.2023
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of initiation of expropriation proceedings
Published from 07.05.2019
not earlier than 2 months of publication;
not later than … 4 months of publication;
Ministeeriumid, Maanteeamet, Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskus, Maa-amet, kohaliku omavalitsuse üksus
Notice of initiation of proceedings for establishing compulsory possession to successors
Published from 30.11.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notice of initiation of proceedings for expropriation
Published from 30.11.2018
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notice of proceedings for the acquisition of an immovable
Published from 21.08.2019
not earlier than 2 months of publication;
not later than … 4 months of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notice of proceedings for the acquisition of an immovable to successors
Published from 24.08.2021
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Ministries, Road Administration, Centre for Defence Investment, Land Board, local authority
Notices of organising local issues
Notice of appointing a water undertaking found by public procurement
Published until; 25.03.2024
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of change of residentail address in Population Register
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Local authority
Notice of change of residentail address in Population Register - on initiative of local authority
Published from 06.09.2022
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Local authority
Notice of initiating reallocation
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of occupation of an ownerless construction
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Local authority
Notice of public display of results of a mass valuation of land
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of publishing a list of candidates for lay judges
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Local authority
Notice of summons to the sitting of a rent tribunal
one month from the date of the hearing;
Rent tribunal
Notification of the appointment of a water company
Published from 25.03.2024
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notices of persons declared legally dead or missing
Notice of a person declared legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of a petition to declare a missing person legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of amending an order by which a person is declared legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of repealing an order by which a person is declared legally dead
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notices of public competitions
Notice of organising a public competition for electing a body that awards professions
Notice of public competition for a district prosecutor
for an indefinite period;
Prosecutor's office
Notice of public competition for a person completing the preparatory service plan of an assistant judge
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of public competition for a specialised prosecutor
for an indefinite period;
Prosecutor's office
Notice of public competition for a state prosecutor
Published from 16.10.2018
for an indefinite period;
Prosecutor's office
Notice of public competition for an assistant judge
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of public competition for an assistant prosecutor
for an indefinite period;
Prosecutor's office
Notice of public competition for an authorised veterinarian
for an indefinite period;
Veterinary and Food Board
Notice of public competition for the position of judge
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court
Notices of public competitions for legal aid
Announcement of the winner of the competition for legal advice for the elderly
Published from 26.01.2023
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of competition for legal advice for the elderly
Published from 09.12.2022
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of public competition for distribution of support for legal advice to natural persons
Published from 09.01.2017
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of public competition for legal advice to persons with special needs
Published from 31.12.2021
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of winner of public competition for distribution of support for legal advice to natural persons
Published from 01.03.2017
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notice of winner of public competition for legal advice to persons with special needs
Published from 10.03.2022
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Justice
Notices of reorganisation proceedings
Notice of a meeting on a draft reorganisation plan
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication;
Reorganisation adviser
Notice of a request for approval of reorganisation plan which has not been accepted
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication;
Reorganisation adviser
Notice of approving a reorganisation plan
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure;
Notice of change of reorganisation adviser
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure;
Notice of extending the term for submission of a reorganisation plan for approval to the court
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure;
Notice of invitation regarding a draft reorganisation plan
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication;
Reorganisation adviser
Notice of refusing to approve a reorganisation plan
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure;
Notice of setting an additional term for submission of a reorganisation plan to the court
Published from 11.08.2022
until the end of the restructuring procedure;
Notice of terminating reorganisation proceedings
Published from 12.08.2022
not later than … 3 years of publication;
Reorganisation notice
Published from 15.07.2022
not later than … 10 years of publication;
Reorganisation adviser
Notices of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
Notice of service of a European Enforcement Order certificate of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Department of Orders for Payment of a court
Notice of service of an order of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Department of Orders for Payment of a court
Notice of servicing an excerpt from a judgment of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Department of Orders for Payment of a court
Other court notices
Notice of a preclusion order
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of appointing a joint representative to partners or shareholders of a company
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of determining the amount of compensation payable to partners or shareholders of a company
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of forwarding a procedural document in civil proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Notice of order of guardianship proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 50 years of publication;
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Planning notices
Notice of adopting a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of adopting a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of bringing a comprehensive spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of bringing a county-wide spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Notice of bringing a municipal designated spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of bringing a national designated spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior or relevant authority of the executive branch in charge of the policy sector
Notice of bringing into effect of a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a detailed solution for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a detailed solution for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a proposed decision on pre-selecting a location for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing the initial positions for pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing the initial positions for pre-selecting a location for the national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of initiating a comprehensive spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of initiating a county-wide spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Notice of initiating a national spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Notice of initiating the creation of a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of initiating the creation of a municipal designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of initiating the creation of a national designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior or relevant authority of the executive branch in charge of the policy sector
Notice of public display of a detailed solution for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of public display of a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of public display of a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of reception of an application to initiate the creation of a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture, Ministry of Defence or Ministry of the Interior
Notice of repealing a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Local authority
Notice of terminating a national designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 21.11.2018
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture or relevant authority of the executive branch in charge of the policy sector
Notide of bringing a national spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture
Power of attorney notices
Notice of declaring power of attorney as invalid
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of declaring power of attorney as invalid (consular officer)
Published from 07.09.2022
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Consular officer
Rail transport notices
Notice of an operational safety certificate of a possessor of non-public railways
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of designating railway infrastructure for public use
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Notice of designation of an IM/RU engaged in public transport of passengers
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Notice of exclusion from IM/RUs engaged in public transport of passengers
for an indefinite period;
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Notice of revoking the operating licence of an IM/RU
for an indefinite period;
Competition Authority
Notice of safety authorisation of a railway infrastructure manager
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of safety certification of a railway undertaking
for an indefinite period;
Technical Regulatory Authority
Notice of suspending the operating licence of an IM/RU
for an indefinite period;
Competition Authority, Technical Regulatory Authority
Reverse auction notices
Notice of reverse auction for generating electricity from renewable sources
Published from 11.11.2019
Road traffic notices
Notice of a penalty for exceeding the permitted speed limit
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Police and Border Guard Board
Notice of suspension of right to drive motor vehicles
Published from 03.10.2019
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Road Administration
Notide of a penalty for the violation of parking rules
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Local authority
Satistics notices
Notice of esitmated amount of subsistence minimum
Published from 10.06.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Statistics Estonia
Social benefit and compensation notices
Notice of alimony recovery during bankruptcy proceedings
Published from 26.02.2024
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Security Office
Notice of child leave benefit recovery
Published from 26.02.2024
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Security Office
Notice of collection of maintenance claim
Published from 16.03.2018
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice of granting maintenance allowance
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice of recovery of family allowance
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice of recovery of maintenance allowance
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice of recovery of parental benefit
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice of recovery of pension
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice of recovery of social benefit for disabled persons
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
Notice to obligor of a maintenance claim
Published until; 01.01.2017
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Social Insurance Board
State asset notices
Notice of auction for state assets
for an indefinite period;
Administrator of state assets
Notice of determining compensation for unlawfully expropriated land
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Ministry of Finance
Notice of establishing usufruct on state land
not earlier than 30 years of publication;
not later than … 100 years of publication;
Land Board
Notice of expropriation of weapons and ammunition
Published from 24.09.2018
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Police and Border Guard Board
Notice of expropriation of weapons and ammunition to successors
Published from 24.09.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Police and Border Guard Board
Notice of privatisation of land by auction
for an indefinite period;
Notice of repealing a decision on retention of land in state ownership
for an indefinite period;
Administrator of state assets
Notice of retention of land in state ownership
for an indefinite period;
Administrator of state assets
Notice of transferring state assets
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Administrator of state assets
State authority reorganisation notices
Notice of reorganisation of a state authority
Notice of termination of activities of a state authority by reorganisation
Succsession notices
Notice of initiation of succession proceedings
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of revoking a certificate authenticated in the succession proceedings
Published from 04.04.2018
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of revoking a certificate of succession and conducting supplementary succession proceedings
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for determining a successor
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for determining obligations of bequeather
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Enforcement agent
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for initiating succession proceedings and identifying successors
not later than … 30 years of publication;
Tax authority notices
Notice of service of a document of the tax authority for local taxes
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Local authority
Notice of service of document of the Environmental Board
Published from 07.10.2020
not later than … 2 months of publication;
Environmental Board
Notice of service of document of the Tax and Customs Board
not earlier than 1 month of publication;
not later than … 3 months of publication;
Tax and Customs Board
Toetuse teated
KIK notification of support
Published from 01.02.2023