re-use of data in

URIs can be used in official journals to search for and re-use communications. URI is a unique structured web address for notifications.

The uniqueness of the URI depends on the number of URI components fulfilled. URI can open one or more published messages either in HTML format in the same way as search result, XML or XML-RDF file.

NB! It shall be possible to open publicly available notices, through the URI, which have not been published for delivery to an addressee who is a natural person or the publication of which has not been terminated.

Announcements for delivery to an addressee who is a natural person for the purposes of private life ( 3.1(7) and (8) of Law on public information ) and announcements which have ceased to be published and entered in the archives ( 3.1(5) of Law on public information ) are not open data.

In order to use the URI, a web address, corresponding to the publication details of the notice of interest, must be created of the components shown below, in the order indicated in the list.

Components may also be omitted from the end of the URI or a hyphen “-” may be used in the middle of the URI instead of the name of the data provider, the main category or sub-category of the announcement. In this case, a specific announcement meeting the URI conditions will no longer open a list of announcements corresponding to the data of the components completed. {data provider} is the name of the data provider as recorded in the official Journal.

Search for announcements through URIs

public notices of official announcements may be retrieved by means of specific forms of URIs. To this end, a web address must be opened in the browser in the following format:  {data provider} / {main category} / {sub-category} / {year} / {month} / {day} / {announcement_number} / {*format}
  • {data provider} the name of the data provider as recorded in the official
  • {main category} is the abbreviation of the main category of the announcement
  • {sub-category} is the abbreviation of the message sub-category
  • {year} is the year of publication of the announcement number
  • {month} is the number of the month in which the announcement is published
  • {day} is the number of the day of publication of the announcement
  • {announcement_number} is the unique number of the announcement
  • * {*format} if you want to
  • the notification as an XML file
For example:* 
displays the reports published in:
  • by the of the Estonian Bar Association in
  • Bar Association - Advokatuuri alerts (abbreviation) with main species
  • Vocational suspension of a lawyer - notification of suspension of a lawyer's professional practice (abbreviation) for subcategory of
  • 2015
  • in
  • 1 month (January)
  • 21 at
  • date
  • and notification number 2148966
  • * XML results in an XML file. If you do not add this, the message will be displayed in the HTML-format
  • * RDF gives a XML-RDF file. If you do not add this, the message will be displayed in the HTML-format
  • * txt will result in a TXT text file. If you do not add this, the message will be displayed in the HTML-format

by default, the URI results of the search will be displayed to you in the user interface of the official notices. If you want to download the results in XML form, add the component “XML” at the end of the URI, such as: Association/advoktatuur/xml 

such URI results in an XML aggregate file containing all Notices with the main species of the “Advokatuuri Notices” published by the “Estonian Advokatuuri”. If “XML” is removed from the end, the announcements are displayed in the browser in the same way as the search results.

For the purpose of conducting a wider search, the end-of-life components of the search may be omitted. components shall not be omitted from the central of the URI search, but may be replaced by a hyphen “-”. In this case, this value of the URI component shall not be taken into account, and published communications on the basis of the completed components shall be displayed. Announcements in the archives and addressed to a person cannot be received via the URI. 
The following abbreviations shall be used in the uranium for the main and subcategory components of the notices:
Type of notification Shortcut
Agricultrual notices pollumajandus
Notice of agricultural and rural development support
Published from 09.11.2023
Notice of an action plan for promoting food export opportunities
Published from 10.04.2019
Notice of an application round for support for promoting food export opportunities
Published from 07.01.2019
Notice of granting aid on the basis of the Estonian Rural Development Plan (MAK)
Published until; 09.11.2023
Notice of preserving permanent grassland
Published from 24.05.2017 to; 04.04.2024
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a management plan for a land improvement system maaparandushoiukava-avaliku-valjapaneku-ja-arutelu
Notice of termination of acceptance of applications
Published from 27.06.2024
Auction and sale notices enapakkumine-myyk
Notice of an auction for a movable in bankruptcy proceedings pankrotimenetluses-vallasasja-enampakkumine
Notice of an auction for a movable in enforcement proceedings taitemenetluses-vallasasja-enampakkumine
Notice of an auction for an immovable in bankruptcy proceedings pankrotimenetluses-kinnisasja-enampakkumine
Notice of an auction for an immovable in enforcement proceedings taitemenetluses-kinnisasja-enampakkumine
Notice of auction for the use of property of the State Forest Management Centre rmk-vara-kasutusse-andmise-enampakkumine
Notice of auction for transfer of property of the State Forest Management Centre rmk-vara-voorandamise-enampakkumine
Notice of sale of cutting rights and timber metsa-raieoiguse-ja-metsamaterjali-myyk
Collective agreement notices kollektiivilepingud
Notice of extended conditions of a collective agreement laiendatud-kollektiivlepingu-tingimuste-teade
Notice of extended conditions of a collective agreement
Published from 01.02.2023
Commercial register notices ariregister
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a company
Published until; 01.02.2023
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a foundation
Published until; 01.02.2023
Notice of a deletion warning regarding a non-profit association
Published until; 01.02.2023
Notice of deletion from the business register based on a court decision
Published from 01.02.2023
Notice of deletion from the business register due to non-submission of the annual report
Published from 01.02.2023
Notice of deletion from the business register due to the absence of a contact person
Published from 01.02.2023
Notice of deletion from the business register upon division
Published from 01.02.2023
Notice of deletion from the business register upon merger
Published from 01.02.2023
Notice of deletion from the business register when dividing property without liquidation procedure
Published from 01.02.2023
Notice of intention to delete from the business register
Published from 21.04.2023
Notice of service of an order of the Registy Department of a court kohtu-registriosakonna-maaruse-kattetoimetamine
Notification of deletion from the business register on the basis of a request
Published from 01.02.2023
Competition notices konkurents
Notice of concentration koondumine
Notice of concentration decision koondumise-otsus
Notice of designating an undertaking with significant market power markimisvaarse-turujouga-ettevotjaks-tunnistamine
Notice of not designating an undertaking with significant market power markimisvaarse-turujouga-ettevotjaks-maaramata-jatmine
Notice of revoking a decision on designating an undertaking with significant market power markimisvaarse-turujouga-ettevotjaks-tunnistamise-otsuse-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Debt restructuring notices volgade-ymberkujundamine
Acceptance of a debt restructuring petition
Published from 20.07.2022
Notice of acceptance of a debt restructuring petition volgade-ymberkujundamise-avalduse-menetlusse-votmine
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and declaring the bankruptcy of a debtor
Published from 09.08.2022
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and declaring the bankruptcy of a debtor and initiating proceedings for the release of a debtor from obligations
Published from 09.08.2022
Notice of annulling a debt restructuring plan and terminating the proceedings on an insolvency petition of a debtor by abatement
Published from 24.08.2022
Notice of annulment of a debt restructuring plan volgade-ymberkujundamiskava-tyhistamine
Notice of annulment of a debt restructuring plan (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Notice of approval of a debt restructuring plan volgade-ymberkujundamiskava-kinnitamine
Notice of approval of a debt restructuring plan (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Notice of change of trusted practitioner in debt restructuring proceedings
Published from 24.08.2022
Notice of dismissing a debt restructuring petition volgade-ymberkujundamise-avalduse-labivaatamata-jatmine
Notice of temination of debt restructuring proceedings
Published from 07.04.2021
Notice of temination of debt restructuring proceedings (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Economic activity notices majandustegevus
Notice of end of public competition for frequency authorisations
Published from 05.07.2017
Notice of invalidating a register entry in the state register of alcohol riikliku-alkoholiregistri-kande-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notice of public competition for a universal postal service provider universaalse-postiteenuse-konkursi-valjakuulutamine
Notice of public competition for frequency authorisations
Published from 10.03.2017
Notice of winner of public competition for a universal postal service provider universaalse-postiteenuse-konkursi-voitja-valjakuulutamine
Environmental impact assessment notices keskkonnamoju-hindamine
Notice of a strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context piiriulese-keskkonnamoju-strateegiline-hindamine
Notice of an environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context piiriulese-keskkonnamoju-hindamine
Notice of appointing a new leading expert for an environmental impact assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of approving an environmental impact assessment programme keskkonnamoju-hindamise-programmi-heakskiitmine
Notice of approving an environmental impact assessment report keskkonnamoju-hindamise-aruande-heakskiitmine
Notice of declaring a stratrgic environmental assessment programme compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of declaring a stratrgic environmental assessment report compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of declaring an environmental impact assessment programme compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of declaring an environmental impact assessment report compliant with requirements
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating a strategic environmental assessment keskkonnamoju-strateegilise-hindamise-algatamine
Notice of initiating an environmental impact assessment keskkonnamoju-hindamise-algatamine
Notice of non-renewal of an environmental impact assessment licence
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a strategic environmental assessment programme keskkonnamoju-strateegilise-hindamise-programmi-avalikustamine
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding a strategic environmental assessment report keskkonnamoju-strateegilise-hindamise-aruande-avalikustamine
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding an environmental impact assessment programme keskkonnamoju-hindamise-programmi-avalik-valjapanek-ja-avalik-arutelu
Notice of public display of and public consultation regarding an environmental impact assessment report keskkonnamoju-hindamise-aruande-avalik-valjapanek-ja-avalik-arutelu
Notice of refusal to initiate a strategic environmental assessment keskkonnamoju-strateegilise-hindamise-algatamata-jatmine
Notice of refusal to initiate an environmental impact assessment keskkonnamoju-hindamise-algatamata-jatmine
Notice of revoking an environmental impact assessment licence
Published from 01.07.2015
Notification of disclosure of the Natura assessment report
Published from 20.07.2023
Notification of disclosure of the Natura exception report
Published from 20.07.2023
Environmental permit notices keskkonnaluba
Notice of an auction for the right to receive a geological investigation permit or exploration permit
Published from 13.12.2017
Notice of an aution for the right to receive an environmental permit
Published from 31.10.2019
Notice of an aution for the right to receive an extraction permit
Published from 06.11.2017 to; 30.10.2019
Notice of decision to close a waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant jaatmepoletus-ja-koospoletustehase-sulgemisotsus
Notice of granting authorisation to carry out a procedure involving a genetically modified animal geneetiliselt-muundatud-loomaga-loomkatse-labiviimise-loa-andmine
Notice of granting or amending a waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of granting or refusal to grant a permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
Notice of granting or refusal to grant a radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an environmental permit
Published until; 30.10.2019
Notice of granting or refusal to grant an integrated permit kompleksloa-andmine-voi-andmisest-keeldumine
Notice of granting or refusing to grant an environmental permit
Published from 30.10.2019
Notice of granting, refusing to grant or amending a hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of initating proceedings on a geolological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of initiating prceedings for a geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of initiating proceedings for the closure of a waste incineration plant or waste co-incineration plant jaatmepoletus-ja-koospoletustehase-sulgemise-menetluse-algatamine
Notice of initiating proceedings on a hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of initiating proceedings on a permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
Notice of initiating proceedings on a waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of initiating proceedings on an air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of initiating proceedings on an application for a radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
Notice of initiating proceedings on an environmental permit
Published from 31.10.2019
Notice of initiating proceedings on an extraction permit
Published from 01.01.2017 to; 30.10.2019
Notice of initiating proceedings on an integrated permit kompleksloa-menetluse-algatamine
Notice of issuing or amendig a geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of issuing or amendig a geological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of public display of an application for a radiation practice licence
Published until; 28.03.2024
Notice of publication of a draft air pollution permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of publication of a draft environmental permit
Published from 25.10.2019
Notice of publication of a draft environmental permit
Published from 01.01.2017 to; 30.10.2019
Notice of publication of a draft integrated permit kompleksloa-eelnou-avalikustamine
Notice of publication of a draft radiation practice licence
Published from 24.10.2017
Notice of publication of a draft waste permit
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of publishing a draft geological exploration permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of publishing a draft geological investigation permit
Published from 01.01.2017
Notice of publishing a draft hazardous waste management licence
Published until; 25.03.2020
Notice of publishing a draft permit for special use of water
Published until; 30.10.2019
Fire safety notices tuleohutus
Notice of the beginning or end of a fire-risk period tuleohtliku-aja-algus-voi-lopp
Notice of the beginning or end of a high fire-risk period suure-tuleohuga-aja-algus-voi-lopp
Forestry metsandus
Notice of private forestry support erametsanduse-toetus
Health care notices tervishoid
Notice of deprivation of the right to practise as a family physician with a practice list and deprivation of the practice list perearstina-tegutsemise-oiguse-aravotmine
Notice of issuing an activity licence for handling of infectious material nakkusohtliku-materjali-kaitlemise-tegevusloa-valjaandmine
Notice of partially revoking an activity licence for handling of infectious material nakkusohtliku-materjali-kaitlemise-tegevusloa-osaliselt-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notice of revoking an activity licence for handling of infectious material nakkusohtliku-materjali-kaitlemise-tegevusloa-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notice of service of decision on exclusion from the practice list of a family physician perearsti-nimistust-va-otsuse-kattetoimetamine
Hunting and fishing notices jahindus-kalandus
Notice of Estonian average first buying-in prices of fish for the preceding year
Published from 01.12.2017
Notice of an auction for fishing opportunities for commercial fishing kutselise-kalapyygi-pyygivoimaluste-enampakkumine
Notice of application for a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district jahipiirkonna-kasutusoiguse-loa-taotlemine
Notice of ceasing to accept applications for fishing support
Published from 11.07.2017
Notice of creation of a hunting district jahipiirkonna-moodustamine
Notice of establishing a temporary closed season for fishing kalapuugi-ajutise-keeluaeg
Notice of expiry of a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district jahipiirkonna-kasutusoiguse-loa-kehtivuse-loppemine
Notice of extending a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district jahipiirkonna-kasutusoiguse-loa-kehtivuse-pikendamine
Notice of fishing support kalandustoetuse
Notice of issuing a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district jahipiirkonna-kasutusoiguse-luba
Notice of re-opening commercial fishing kutselise-kalapyygi-uuesti-avamine
Notice of refusal to extend a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district jahipiirkonna-loa-pikendamise-keeldumine
Notice of restrictions and conditions for wild game harvest quotas and structure jahiulukite-kyttimismahu-ja-struktuuri-piirangud-ja-tingimused
Notice of revoking a permit in proof of right to use a hunting district jahipiirkonna-kasutusoiguse-loa-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notice of suspending commercial fishing kutselise-kalapyygi-peatamine
Labour disputes tribunal and Industrial Property Committee notices toovaidluskomisjoni-ja-toostusomandi-apellatsioonikomisjoni-teated
Notice of hearing a labour dispute in written proceedings
Published from 19.03.2021
Notice of service of a petition for withdrawal in proceedings of an employment tribunal
Published from 09.02.2021
Notice of service of a procedural document in proceedings of an employment tribunal
Published from 25.04.2018
Notice of service of a request of the Property Board of Appeal
Published from 30.03.2020
Notice of service of summons of an employment tribunal
Published from 16.03.2018
Land cadastre notices maakatastri-teated
Notice of the land cadastre
Published from 12.03.2019
Land reform notices maareformi-teated
Notice of service of a land reform document
Published from 22.11.2018
Notice of service of a land reform document to successors
Published from 22.11.2018
Land register notices kinnisturaamat
Notice of a demand for the deletion of a preliminary notation in the land register kinnistusraamatust-eelmarke-kustutamise-noue
Notice of opening a register part in the land register kinnistusraamatu-registriosa-avamine
Notice of service of an order of the Land Registry Department of a court kohtu-kinnistusosakonna-maaruse-kattetoimetamine
Liquidation notices of legal persons in public law avalik-oiguslike-jur-isikute-likvideerimine
Notice of commencement of liquidation proceedings of the Development Fund arengufondi-likvideerimismenetlus
Military service notices kaitsevaeteenistus
Notice of service of document to a person liable to national defence obligation kaitsevaekohustuslasele-dokumendi-kattetoimetamine
Nature Conservation notices looduskaitse
Notice of initiating proceedings on placing a natural object under protection loodusobjekti-kaitse-alla-votmine
Notices by the Bar Association advoktatuur
Announcement of the admission of an attorney to the Bar Association advokatuuri-liikmeks-votmine
Notice of disbarment from the Bar Association advokatruurist-valjaheitmine
Notice of exclusion from the Bar Association advokatuurist-valjaarvamine
Notice of granting a person the right to practise as an associate member advokatuuri-assotsieerunud-liikmena-tegutsemise-oiguse-andmine
Notice of reinstatement of Bar Association membership advokatuuri-liikmesuse-taastamine
Notice of reinstatement of an attorney's right to practise law advokaadi-kutsetegevuse-taastamine
Notice of suspension of Bar Association membership advokatuuri-liikmesuse-peatamine
Notice of suspension of legal practice of an attorney advokaadi-kutsetegevuse-peatamine
Notices concerning active legal capacity of a minor alaealise-teovoime
Notice of extending a minor’s active legal capacity alaealise-teovoime-laiendamine
Notice of setting aside an order by which a minor’s active legal capacity is extended alaealise-teovoime-laiendamise-maaruse-tyhistamine
Notice of varying an order by which a minor’s active legal capacity is extended alaealise-teovoime-laiendamise-maaruse-muutmine
Notices concerning administrative contracts halduslepingud
Notice for entry into an administrative contract halduslepingu-solmimise-hanketeade
Notice of entering into an administrative contract halduslepingu-aruanne
Notice of performance of an administrative contract halduslepingu-taitmine
Notices concerning education and vocations haridus-ja-kutse
Notice of exchaning an original certificate of proficiency in the Estonian language to an electronic certificate eesti-keele-tasemetunnistuse-algdokumendi-elektroonilise-tunnistuse-vastu-vahetamine
Notice of exchaning an original national examination certificate to an electronic certificate riigieksamitunnistuse-algdokumendi-elektroonilise-tunnistuse-vastu-vahetamine
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a diploma and/or diploma supplement diplomi-ja-akadeemilise-oiendi-duplikaadi-valjastamine
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a graduation document and/or results report of a general education school yldhariduskooli-loputunnistuse-ja-hinnetelehe-duplikaadi-valjastamine
Notice of issuing a duplicate of a graduation document and/or results report of a vocational educational institution kutseoppeasutuse-loputunnistuse-ja-hinnetelehe-duplikaadi-valjastamine
Notice of revoking a diploma and/or diploma supplement
Published from 29.08.2017
Notice of revoking a graduation document and/or results report of a general education school
Published from 23.02.2022
Notice of revoking a professional certificate kutsetunnistuse-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notice of revoking blank forms of documents certifying education haridust-toendava-dokumendi-palnkide-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notices concerning the service of court documents kohtudokumentide-kattetoimetamine
Notice of service of a procedural document in administrative proceedings menetlusdokumendi-halduskohtumenetluses-kattetoimetamine
Notice of service of a procedural document in civil proceedings menetlusdokumendi-tsiviilkohtumenetluses-kattetoimetamine
Notice of service of a summons in administrative proceedings kohtukutse-halduskohtumenetluses-kattetoimetamine
Notice of service of a summons in civil proceedings kohtukutse-tsiviilkohtumenetluses-kattetoimetamine
Notices concerning the use of public water bodies avaliku-veekogu-kasutamine
Notice of application for a superficies licence for a public water body veekoguhoonestusloataotlemine
Notice of establishing a speed limit on a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
Notice of prohibiting navigation on a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
Notice of prohibiting traffic on the ice of a water body
Published until; 01.11.2019
Notification of an application for a building permit for a public body of water
Published from 28.02.2023
Notices of banking and securities pangandus-vaartpaberid
Notice of interest rate intress
Notice of waiver of the status of an account operator
Published from 01.11.2018
Notide of revoking the status of an account operator and transferring the right to administer securities accounts
Published from 02.04.2018
Notification of the initiation of the process of closing temporary securities accounts
Published from 06.10.2023
Notices of bankruptcy proceedings pankrotimenetlus
Notice of a general meeting of creditors volausaldajate-yldkoosolek
Notice of annulment of a compromise and reopening of the bankruptcy proceedings kompromissi-tyhistamine-ja-pankrotimenetluse-taastamine
Notice of annulment of a compromise and reopening the proceedings for the release from obligations
Published from 23.08.2022
Notice of annulment of ruling on release of debtor from obligations not performed in bankruptcy proceedings volgniku-pankrotimenetluses-taitmata-jaanud-kohustustest-vabastamise-maaruse-tyhistamine
Notice of annulment of ruling on release of debtor from obligations not performed in bankruptcy proceedings (FIMS)
Published from 08.08.2022
Notice of approval of a compromise kompromissi-kinnitamine
Notice of approving a distribution proposal jaotusettepaneku-kinnitamine
Notice of approving a preliminary distribution proposal esialgse-jaotusettepaneku-kinnitamine
Notice of approving the list of creditors
Published from 07.04.2021
Notice of cancellation of a restraint on disposition kasutuskeelu-tyhistamine
Notice of change of trusted practitioner in proceedings for the declaration of bankruptcy and release from obligations
Published from 24.08.2022
Notice of change of trustee in bankruptcy pankrotihalduri-vahetumine
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy pankroti-valjakuulutamine
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy and proceedings for release from obligations of a natural person
Published from 20.07.2022
Notice of declaration of bankruptcy of a natural person
Published from 20.07.2022
Notice of dismissing or refusing to hear a bankruptcy petition
Published from 24.08.2022
Notice of dismissing or refusing to hear an insolvency petition
Published from 24.08.2022
Notice of enabling to examine a distribution proposal jaotusettepanekuga-tutvumise-voimaldamine
Notice of enabling to examine a preliminary distribution proposal esialgse-jaotusettepanekuga-tutvumise-voimaldamine
Notice of examination of the list of creditors
Published from 04.03.2021
Notice of examining the final report in bankruptcy proceedings pankrotimenetluse-lopparuandega-tutvumine
Notice of first general meeting of creditors volausaldajate-esimese-uldkoosoleku-toimumine
Notice of insolvency proceedings initiated in another Member State of the European Union
Published from 22.01.2019
Notice of meeting for the defence of claims of creditors volausaldajate-nouete-kaitsmise-koosolek
Notice of payment for covering the costs of the bankruptcy proceedings a deposit pankrotimenetluse-kulude-katteks-deposiidi-maksmine
Notice of publication of a restraint on disposition kasutuskeelu-teatavakstegemine
Notice of refusal to release a debtor from obligations not performed volgniku-taitmata-jaanud-kohustustest-vabastamata-jatmine
Notice of refusal to release a debtor from obligations not performed (FiMS from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Notice of refusing to approve a distribution proposal jaotusettepaneku-kinnitamata-jatmine
Notice of refusing to approve a preliminary distribution proposal esialgse-jaotusettepaneku-kinnitamata-jatmine
Notice of refusing to approve the list of creditors
Published from 07.04.2021
Notice of releasing a debtor from obligations not performed volgniku-taitmata-jaanud-kohustustest-vabastamine
Notice of releasing a debtor from obligations not performed (from 01.07.2022)
Published from 09.08.2022
Notice of submission of an application for termination of bankruptcy proceedings pankrotimenetluse-lopetamise-avalduse-esitamine
Notice of terminating bankruptcy proceedings by approval of the final report lopparuande-kinnitamisega-pankrotimenetluse-lopetamine
Notice of terminating proceedings on a bankruptcy petition by abatement raugemise-tottu-pankrotiavalduse-menetluse-lopetamine
Notice of terminating proceedings on an insolvency petition by abatement
Published from 20.07.2022
Notice of termination of bankruptcy proceedings pankrotimenetluse-lopetamine
Notice of termination of bankruptcy proceedings with termination of bankruptcy proceedings
Published from 26.06.2024
Notice of termination of proceedings for release of a debtor from obligations after basis has ceased to exist
Published from 24.08.2022
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition pankrotiavalduse-labivaatamise-aeg-koht
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition and publication of a restraint on disposition pankrotiavalduse-labivaatamise-aja-koha-kasutuskeelu-teatavakstegemine
Notice of the time and place of the hearing of an insolvency petition and publication of a restraint on disposition
Published from 23.08.2022
Notices of companies, non-profit associations and foundations ariyhing-mittetulundusyhing-sihtasutus
Notice of a division of a company ay-jagunemine
Notice of a meger of non-profit associations mty-yhinemine
Notice of a memorandum of a European company being drawn up eu-ariyhingu-asutamislepingu-koostamine
Notice of a merger of a European Cooperative Society eu-yhistu-yhinemine
Notice of a merger of a European company eu-ariyhingu-yhinemine
Notice of a merger of a company ay-yhinemine
Notice of a merger of a foundation sa-yhinemine
Notice of a transfer proposal of a European Cooperative Society being drawn up eu-yhistu-asukoha-muutmise-kava-koostamine
Notice of a transfer proposal of a European company being drawn up eu-ariyhingu-asukoha-muutmise-kava-koostamine
Notice of a transformation of a company ay-ymberkujundamine
Notice of assignment of proportional participation by a member of a European Economic Interest Grouping eu-majandushuviyhingu-liikme-osaluse-loovutamine
Notice of distribution of a foundation sa-jagunemine
Notice of division of a non-profit association mty-jagunemine
Notice of draft terms of conversion of a European Cooperative Society being drawn up eu-yhistu-ymberkujundamiskava-koostamine
Notice of draft terms of conversion of a European company being drawn up eu-ariyhingu-ymberkujundamiskava-koostamine
Notice of drafting a division plan or entry into a division agreement ay-jagunemiskava-koostamine
Notice of entry into a cross-border merger agreement piiriylese-yhinemislepingu-solmimine
Notice of entry into a division agreement as-jagunemislepingu-solmimine
Notice of entry into a merger agreement of a commercial association
Published from 04.07.2019
Notice of entry into a merger agreement of a public limited company as-yhinemislepingu-solmimine
Notice of intention of transferring the seat of a European Economic Interest Grouping eu-majandushuviyhingu-asukoha-muutmise-kavatsus
Notice of liquidation of an appartment association
Published from 27.08.2018
Notice of liquidation prceedings of a general partnership taisuhingu-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation prceedings of a limited partnership usaldusuhingu-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation preceedings of a non-profit association mty-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation proceedigs of a private limited company oy-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a branch filiaali-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a commercial association tulundusyhistu-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a foundation sa-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of liquidation proceedings of a public limited company as-likvideerimismenetlus
Notice of merging with the assets of a natural person fi-varaga-yhinemine
Notice of public limited company using securities as non-monetary contribution as-vaartpaberitena-mitterahaline-sissemakse
Notice of reducing share capital aktsiakapitali-vahendamine
Notice of reducing the share capital of a commercial association
Published from 24.05.2016
Notice of reducing the share capital of a private limited company oy-osakapitali-vahendamine
Notices of enforcement proceedings taitemenetlus
Enforcement notice taitmisteade
Notice of an enforcement operation taitetoimingu-teostamine
Notice of attachment of property vara-arestimine
Notice of change of enforcement agent kohtutaituri-vahetumine
Notice of enforcement proceedings taitemenetlusega-seotud
Notice of service of a manifestation of intention tahteavalduse-kattetoimetamine
Notide of eviction valjatostmine
Notices of environmental plans keskkonnakava
Nitrates vulnerable Area Action Plan notification nitraaditundliku-ala-tegevuskava-koostamine
Notice of approval of a part of marine strategy
Published from 22.06.2020
Notice of initiating the preparation of a river basin management plan veemajanduskava-koostamise-algatamine
Notice of preparation of an action plan for a nitrate vulnerable zone nitraaditundliku-ala-tegevuskava-avalik-valjapanek
Notice of public display of a draft flood risk management plans
Published from 23.09.2021
Notice of public display of a draft river basin management plan and its related documents
Published from 28.06.2021
Notice of public display of a part of marine strategy
Published from 22.06.2020
Notices of expropriations and establishing compulsory possession sundvoorandamise-ja-sundvalduse-seadmise-teated
Notice of an expropriation decision
Published from 04.06.2019
Notice of an expropriation decision to successors
Published from 30.09.2021
Notice of deletion of the limited property right encumbering the real estate to be acquired
Published from 28.04.2023
Notice of establishing compulsory possession
Published from 30.11.2018
Notice of forced cancellation of limited property right
Published from 14.12.2023
Notice of initiation of expropriation proceedings
Published from 07.05.2019
Notice of initiation of proceedings for establishing compulsory possession to successors
Published from 30.11.2018
Notice of initiation of proceedings for expropriation
Published from 30.11.2018
Notice of proceedings for the acquisition of an immovable
Published from 21.08.2019
Notice of proceedings for the acquisition of an immovable to successors
Published from 24.08.2021
Notices of organising local issues kohaliku-elu-korraldamine
Notice of appointing a water undertaking found by public procurement
Published until; 25.03.2024
Notice of change of residentail address in Population Register elukoha-aadressi-rahvastikuregistris-muutmine
Notice of change of residentail address in Population Register - on initiative of local authority
Published from 06.09.2022
Notice of initiating reallocation ymberkruntimise-algatamine
Notice of occupation of an ownerless construction peremehetu-ehitise-hoivamine
Notice of public display of results of a mass valuation of land maa-korralise-hindamise-tulemuste-avalik-valjapanek
Notice of publishing a list of candidates for lay judges rahvakohtunikekandidaatide-nimekiri
Notice of summons to the sitting of a rent tribunal yyrikomisjoni-istungi-kutse
Notification of the appointment of a water company
Published from 25.03.2024
Notices of persons declared legally dead or missing isiku-surnuks-ja-teadmata-kadunuks-tunnistamine
Notice of a person declared legally dead isiku-surnuks-tunnistamine
Notice of a petition to declare a missing person legally dead teadmata-kadunud-isiku-surnuks-tunnistamise-taotlemine
Notice of amending an order by which a person is declared legally dead isiku-surnuks-tunnistamise-maaruse-muutmine
Notice of repealing an order by which a person is declared legally dead isiku-surnuks-tunnistamise-maaruse-tyhistamine
Notices of public competitions amet-kutsekonkurss
Notice of organising a public competition for electing a body that awards professions kutset-andva-organi-valimiseks-avaliku-konkursi-korraldamine
Notice of public competition for a district prosecutor ringkonnaprokurori-konkursi
Notice of public competition for a person completing the preparatory service plan of an assistant judge
Published until; 01.05.2023
Notice of public competition for a specialised prosecutor eriasjade-prokurori-konkursi
Notice of public competition for a state prosecutor
Published from 16.10.2018
Notice of public competition for an assistant judge kohtunikuabi-konkursi
Notice of public competition for an assistant prosecutor abiprokurori-konkursi
Notice of public competition for an authorised veterinarian
Published until; 01.12.2021
Notice of public competition for the position of judge kohtunikukoha-konkursi
Notices of public competitions for legal aid oigusabi-konkurss
Announcement of the winner of the competition for legal advice for the elderly
Published from 26.01.2023
Notice of competition for legal advice for the elderly
Published from 09.12.2022
Notice of public competition for distribution of support for legal advice to natural persons
Published from 09.01.2017
Notice of public competition for legal advice to persons with special needs
Published from 31.12.2021
Notice of winner of public competition for distribution of support for legal advice to natural persons
Published from 01.03.2017
Notice of winner of public competition for legal advice to persons with special needs
Published from 10.03.2022
Notices of reorganisation proceedings saneerimismenetluse-teated
Notice of a meeting on a draft reorganisation plan
Published from 15.07.2022
Notice of a request for approval of reorganisation plan which has not been accepted
Published from 15.07.2022
Notice of approving a reorganisation plan
Published from 11.08.2022
Notice of change of reorganisation adviser
Published from 11.08.2022
Notice of extending the term for submission of a reorganisation plan for approval to the court
Published from 11.08.2022
Notice of invitation regarding a draft reorganisation plan
Published from 15.07.2022
Notice of refusing to approve a reorganisation plan
Published from 11.08.2022
Notice of setting an additional term for submission of a reorganisation plan to the court
Published from 11.08.2022
Notice of terminating reorganisation proceedings
Published from 12.08.2022
Reorganisation notice
Published from 15.07.2022
Notices of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court kohtu-maksekasuosakond
Notice of service of a European Enforcement Order certificate of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court euroopa-taitekorralduse-toendi-kattetoimetamine
Notice of service of an order of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court kohtu-maksekasuosakonna-maaruse-kattetoimetamine
Notice of servicing an excerpt from a judgment of the Department of Orders for Payment of a court kohtuotsuse-valjavotte-kattetoimetamine
Other court notices muud-kohtuteated
Notice of a preclusion order valistusmaarus
Notice of appointing a joint representative to partners or shareholders of a company ariyhingu-osanikele-voi-aktsionaridele-yhise-esindaja-maaramine
Notice of determining the amount of compensation payable to partners or shareholders of a company ariyhingu-osanikele-ja-aktsionaridele-hyvitise-suuruse-maaramine
Notice of forwarding a procedural document in civil proceedings menetlusdokumendi-tsiviilkohtumenetluses-edastamine
Notice of order of guardianship proceedings eestkostemenetluse-maarus
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings yleskutsemenetlus
Planning notices planeeringud
Notice of adopting a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of adopting a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of bringing a comprehensive spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of bringing a county-wide spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of bringing a municipal designated spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of bringing a national designated spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of bringing into effect of a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a detailed solution for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a detailed solution for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a proposed decision on pre-selecting a location for a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing a resolution on pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing the initial positions for pre-selecting a location for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of consideration of the results of publishing the initial positions for pre-selecting a location for the national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating a comprehensive spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating a county-wide spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating a national spatial plan and its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating the creation of a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating the creation of a municipal designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of initiating the creation of a national designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of public display of a detailed solution for a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015 to; 04.04.2024
Notice of public display of a municipal designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of public display of a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of reception of an application to initiate the creation of a national designated spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of repealing a detailed spatial plan
Published from 01.07.2015
Notice of terminating a national designated spatial plan and of its strategic environmental assessment
Published from 21.11.2018
Notide of bringing a national spatial plan into effect
Published from 01.07.2015
Power of attorney notices volikirjad
Notice of declaring power of attorney as invalid volikirja-kehtetuks-kuulutamine
Notice of declaring power of attorney as invalid (consular officer)
Published from 07.09.2022
Rail transport notices raudteetransport
Notice of an operational safety certificate of a possessor of non-public railways
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of designating railway infrastructure for public use
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of designation of an IM/RU engaged in public transport of passengers
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of exclusion from IM/RUs engaged in public transport of passengers
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of revoking the operating licence of an IM/RU
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of safety authorisation of a railway infrastructure manager
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of safety certification of a railway undertaking
Published until; 31.10.2020
Notice of suspending the operating licence of an IM/RU
Published until; 31.10.2020
Reverse auction notices vahempakkumise-teated
Notice of reverse auction for generating electricity from renewable sources
Published from 11.11.2019
Road traffic notices liiklusteated
Notice of a penalty for exceeding the permitted speed limit trahviteade-lubatud-soidukiiruse-yletamise-eest
Notice of suspension of right to drive motor vehicles
Published from 03.10.2019
Notide of a penalty for the violation of parking rules parkimise-nouete-rikkumine
Satistics notices statistika
Notice of esitmated amount of subsistence minimum
Published from 10.06.2018
Social benefit and compensation notices sotsiaaltoetused-hyvitised
Notice of alimony recovery during bankruptcy proceedings
Published from 26.02.2024
Notice of child leave benefit recovery
Published from 26.02.2024
Notice of collection of maintenance claim
Published from 16.03.2018
Notice of granting maintenance allowance elatisabi-maaramine
Notice of recovery of family allowance peretoetuse-tagasinoudmine
Notice of recovery of maintenance allowance elatisabi-tagasinoudmine
Notice of recovery of parental benefit vanemahyvitise-tagasinoudmine
Notice of recovery of pension pensioni-tagasinoudmine
Notice of recovery of social benefit for disabled persons puuetega-inimeste-sotsiaaltoetuse-tagasinoudmine
Notice to obligor of a maintenance claim
Published until; 01.01.2017
State asset notices riigivara
Notice of auction for state assets riigivara-enampakkumine
Notice of determining compensation for unlawfully expropriated land oigusvastaselt-voorandatud-vara-eest-kompensatsiooni-maaramine
Notice of establishing usufruct on state land riigimaa-kasutusvaldusse-seadmine
Notice of expropriation of weapons and ammunition
Published from 24.09.2018
Notice of expropriation of weapons and ammunition to successors
Published from 24.09.2018
Notice of privatisation of land by auction
Published until; 01.01.2018
Notice of repealing a decision on retention of land in state ownership maa-riigi-omandisse-jatmise-otsuse-kehtetuks-tunnistamine
Notice of retention of land in state ownership maa-riigi-omandisse-jatmine
Notice of transferring state assets riigivara-voorandamine
State authority reorganisation notices riigiasutuste-ymberkorraldamine
Notice of reorganisation of a state authority riigiasutuse-ymberkorraldamise-teade
Notice of termination of activities of a state authority by reorganisation riigiasutuse-ymberkorraldamisega-tegevuse-lopetamine
Succsession notices parimisteated
Notice of initiation of succession proceedings parimismenetluse-algatamine
Notice of revoking a certificate authenticated in the succession proceedings
Published from 04.04.2018
Notice of revoking a certificate of succession and conducting supplementary succession proceedings parimistunnistuse-keht-tunnist-ja-taiend-parimismen-labiviimine
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for determining a successor parijate-valjaselgitamise-yleskutsemen
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for determining obligations of bequeather yleskutsemen-teade-parandaja-kohust-kindlakstegemiseks
Notice of unknown rightholder proceedings for initiating succession proceedings and identifying successors parimismenetluse-algat-ja-parijate-valjaselgitamise-yleskutsemen
Tax authority notices maksuhaldur
Notice of service of a document of the tax authority for local taxes kohalike-maksude-maksuhalduri-dokumendi-kattetoimetamine
Notice of service of document of the Environmental Board
Published from 07.10.2020
Notice of service of document of the Tax and Customs Board mta-dokumendi-kattetoimetamine
Toetuse teated toetuse-teated
KIK notification of support
Published from 01.02.2023 to; 10.02.2024