Notice of auction of immovable property in enforcement proceedings
Public from: 25.05.2022
Public until: until the closure of the enforcement procedure
Public until: until the closure of the enforcement procedure
Kohtutäitur Rocki Albert publishes this announcement under paragraph 153(2) of the Code of enforcement Procedure (TMS).
The bailiff sell the following assets in a in the auction environment of public bailiffs and the Chamber of Bank administrators electronic auction:
The part of the estate owned by the debtor (5/12 co-ownership) at Viru tn 6, Pärnu City, entered in the register section 397605 of the land registry department of Tartu County Court, 100% residential area with a surface area of 599 m2, cadastral mark 62509:009:0250.
Encumbrances in descending order.
Entry No 1 in Section III: a note on the arrangements for the holding and use of joint ownership in favour of each of the co-owners in accordance with Article 5 of the 13.11.2003 Agreement. 06.01.2004. entered on 13.11.2003 under a right in rem agreement.
In Section III, entry No 2: the notional element belonging to Mr Lauri Vaitt (ID 39008204224), which prohibits the disposal of the property in favour of BigBank AS (registry code 10183757), which is deleted after the sale of the property by auction.
In Section III, entry No 3: the notional element belonging to Mr Lauri Vaitt (ID 39008204224), which prohibits the disposal of the property in favour of Omalaen OÜ (registry code 11980486), bailiff Rocki Albert (ID 37005072716), which is deleted after the sale of the property by auction.
In Section IV, entry No 2: a mortgage in the amount of EUR 50 000,00 in favour of Omalaen OÜ (registry code 11980486) held by Lauri Vaitt (ID 39008204224), which will be cancelled after the assets have been auctioned.
Additional information: House division, 5/12 co-ownership. There are notarial procedures for the possession and use of co-ownership. The part of the lever and the buildings are not distributed and co-owned by a notary. Size 599 m2. The area of the part to be sold, 63.9 m2, includes the following buildings: dwelling, garage, laundry kitchen - sauna. cubic. The part of the dwelling sold needs major renovation. There is currently no water connection, but the connection is free of charge.
There is no sewerage. Dry manuscript. Old windows, one window exchanged for a plastic window. The floors have broken down. The heating installations are old and unworkable and are not checked by a specialist. The top of the rooms shows a run. Electricity is in a house. The part of the plan to be sold is delimited by green lines.
Opening price: 37 000 EUR(s). .
Proprietor: Lauri Vaitti (national identification 39008204224) .
To participate in an auction, you must register in an auction environment on the sheet of assets referred to in this notice, the permanent link of which shall be: and to pay a deposit of EUR 3 700 to Rock Albert's account No ETH631010010320236013 (SEB). Payment explanation: 'Guarantee for participation in the 20.06.2022 13:30 auctions ID67278. Real estate: City of Pärnu, Viru tn 6. 6, City of Pärnu, County of Pärnu'. The deposit shall be deemed to have been settled when it is received. The deposit must be lodged no later than 20.06.2022 at 13.30. Subsequent receipts shall not be counted. Securities paid by the buyer shall be included in the purchase price and returned to the other bidders on the working day following the day of the auction.
Registration in the auction begin on 25.05.2022 at 15:00 and ends on 20.06.2022 at 13:30.
A person be registered as an auction participant if the application for registration and the necessary annexes to the application meet the conditions for the auction , deposit money has been paid and the person may participate in the auction as a bidder.
The auction starts on 20.06.2022 at 14:00 and ends on 27.06.2022 at 14:00. The interval for the prolonged end is 1 minute(s).
The bid step for auctions be 100 EUR(s).
Bids can only be made in the auction environment according to the conditions indicated in the auction environment.
The winner of an electronic auction pay the purchase price on the working day following the day on which the auction ends, as pursuant to §93(3) of TMS. If the purchase price exceeds EUR 12 700, the auction winner must pay one tenth of the purchase price immediately after the end of the auction, the remaining price having to be paid within 15 days.
Before the start of the auction, the person must inform the bailiff of his or him rights to the thing to be sold if it have not yet been notified to the bailiff, and the reasons for those rights should be given at the request of the bailiff. Persons holding rights which impede the auctioning shall, in agreement with the claimant or on the basis of a court decision, obtain the termination or suspension of the auctions before the day on which the result is distributed.
For inspection, please call the broker in Mai Kõvatenda, GSM +372 56 980 324, e-mail Access to the immovable property shall take place at a time agreed in advance at the place where the immovable property is situated. Address of the bailiff's office: telephone 4429972, 4429971, e-mail,
The bailiff sell the following assets in a in the auction environment of public bailiffs and the Chamber of Bank administrators electronic auction:
The part of the estate owned by the debtor (5/12 co-ownership) at Viru tn 6, Pärnu City, entered in the register section 397605 of the land registry department of Tartu County Court, 100% residential area with a surface area of 599 m2, cadastral mark 62509:009:0250.
Encumbrances in descending order.
Entry No 1 in Section III: a note on the arrangements for the holding and use of joint ownership in favour of each of the co-owners in accordance with Article 5 of the 13.11.2003 Agreement. 06.01.2004. entered on 13.11.2003 under a right in rem agreement.
In Section III, entry No 2: the notional element belonging to Mr Lauri Vaitt (ID 39008204224), which prohibits the disposal of the property in favour of BigBank AS (registry code 10183757), which is deleted after the sale of the property by auction.
In Section III, entry No 3: the notional element belonging to Mr Lauri Vaitt (ID 39008204224), which prohibits the disposal of the property in favour of Omalaen OÜ (registry code 11980486), bailiff Rocki Albert (ID 37005072716), which is deleted after the sale of the property by auction.
In Section IV, entry No 2: a mortgage in the amount of EUR 50 000,00 in favour of Omalaen OÜ (registry code 11980486) held by Lauri Vaitt (ID 39008204224), which will be cancelled after the assets have been auctioned.
Additional information: House division, 5/12 co-ownership. There are notarial procedures for the possession and use of co-ownership. The part of the lever and the buildings are not distributed and co-owned by a notary. Size 599 m2. The area of the part to be sold, 63.9 m2, includes the following buildings: dwelling, garage, laundry kitchen - sauna. cubic. The part of the dwelling sold needs major renovation. There is currently no water connection, but the connection is free of charge.
There is no sewerage. Dry manuscript. Old windows, one window exchanged for a plastic window. The floors have broken down. The heating installations are old and unworkable and are not checked by a specialist. The top of the rooms shows a run. Electricity is in a house. The part of the plan to be sold is delimited by green lines.
Opening price: 37 000 EUR(s). .
Proprietor: Lauri Vaitti (national identification 39008204224) .
To participate in an auction, you must register in an auction environment on the sheet of assets referred to in this notice, the permanent link of which shall be: and to pay a deposit of EUR 3 700 to Rock Albert's account No ETH631010010320236013 (SEB). Payment explanation: 'Guarantee for participation in the 20.06.2022 13:30 auctions ID67278. Real estate: City of Pärnu, Viru tn 6. 6, City of Pärnu, County of Pärnu'. The deposit shall be deemed to have been settled when it is received. The deposit must be lodged no later than 20.06.2022 at 13.30. Subsequent receipts shall not be counted. Securities paid by the buyer shall be included in the purchase price and returned to the other bidders on the working day following the day of the auction.
Registration in the auction begin on 25.05.2022 at 15:00 and ends on 20.06.2022 at 13:30.
A person be registered as an auction participant if the application for registration and the necessary annexes to the application meet the conditions for the auction , deposit money has been paid and the person may participate in the auction as a bidder.
The auction starts on 20.06.2022 at 14:00 and ends on 27.06.2022 at 14:00. The interval for the prolonged end is 1 minute(s).
The bid step for auctions be 100 EUR(s).
Bids can only be made in the auction environment according to the conditions indicated in the auction environment.
The winner of an electronic auction pay the purchase price on the working day following the day on which the auction ends, as pursuant to §93(3) of TMS. If the purchase price exceeds EUR 12 700, the auction winner must pay one tenth of the purchase price immediately after the end of the auction, the remaining price having to be paid within 15 days.
Before the start of the auction, the person must inform the bailiff of his or him rights to the thing to be sold if it have not yet been notified to the bailiff, and the reasons for those rights should be given at the request of the bailiff. Persons holding rights which impede the auctioning shall, in agreement with the claimant or on the basis of a court decision, obtain the termination or suspension of the auctions before the day on which the result is distributed.
For inspection, please call the broker in Mai Kõvatenda, GSM +372 56 980 324, e-mail Access to the immovable property shall take place at a time agreed in advance at the place where the immovable property is situated. Address of the bailiff's office: telephone 4429972, 4429971, e-mail,
Proceeding no: 176/2021/3476
Kohtutäitur Rocki Albert
Uus 1/1, 80011 Pärnu
Phone: 4429972
Uus 1/1, 80011 Pärnu
Phone: 4429972
Publisher's contacts
esindaja Svetlana Väisa
Phone: 4429972
esindaja Svetlana Väisa
Phone: 4429972
Announcement number 1928167
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