Notice of initiating proceedings on an environmental permit
Public from: 21.06.2024
Public until: 22.06.2124
Public until: 22.06.2124
Keskkonnaamet publishes this announcement under Subsection 2 of § 47 of the General Part of the Environmental Code Act (KeÜS).
Keskkonnaamet declares that Tolmet OÜ (registry code: 11967685) (address Betooni tn 7a, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 11415) application No T-KL/1023635-2 for amendment of environmental permit No KL-506934 has been accepted on 20.06.2024. The application for repair adds two properties to the treatment area: Koorma tn 2a (cadastral code 89012:001:0034) and Koorma tn 3 (cadastral code 89012:001:0072). An adjusted position plan was also attached to the application. The activity volumes remain the same and the handling quantities do not increase. The treatment facility is located at Koorma tn 3D, Muuga village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, Harju County (cadastral code 89012:001:0066), Koorma tn 2c, Muuga village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, Harju County (cadastral code 89012:001:0035), Koorma tn 2d, Muuga village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, Harju County (cadastral code 8901:0072), Harju Rural Municipality (cadastre 128001:001:00:Kadar).
The with request environmental permit and other relevant documents are available on In the offices of the Environmental Board all over Estonia..
The application shall be digitally available on in the environmental decision information system
Until the issue or refusal to issue environmental permit decision is made, any person has the right to submit reasoned proposals and objections to the To the Environmental Board. Proposals and objections may be submitted orally or in writing to an e-mail address or to a postal address Green 64, 80010 Pärnu.
The draft of Decision to grant or refuse to grant environmental permit will be announced by the Environmental Board in the Official Announcements.
Keskkonnaamet declares that Tolmet OÜ (registry code: 11967685) (address Betooni tn 7a, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 11415) application No T-KL/1023635-2 for amendment of environmental permit No KL-506934 has been accepted on 20.06.2024. The application for repair adds two properties to the treatment area: Koorma tn 2a (cadastral code 89012:001:0034) and Koorma tn 3 (cadastral code 89012:001:0072). An adjusted position plan was also attached to the application. The activity volumes remain the same and the handling quantities do not increase. The treatment facility is located at Koorma tn 3D, Muuga village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, Harju County (cadastral code 89012:001:0066), Koorma tn 2c, Muuga village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, Harju County (cadastral code 89012:001:0035), Koorma tn 2d, Muuga village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, Harju County (cadastral code 8901:0072), Harju Rural Municipality (cadastre 128001:001:00:Kadar).
The with request environmental permit and other relevant documents are available on In the offices of the Environmental Board all over Estonia..
The application shall be digitally available on in the environmental decision information system
Until the issue or refusal to issue environmental permit decision is made, any person has the right to submit reasoned proposals and objections to the To the Environmental Board. Proposals and objections may be submitted orally or in writing to an e-mail address or to a postal address Green 64, 80010 Pärnu.
The draft of Decision to grant or refuse to grant environmental permit will be announced by the Environmental Board in the Official Announcements.
Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond, Roheline tn 64
Phone: +372 6625999
Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond, Roheline tn 64
Phone: +372 6625999
Announcement number 2271892