Indication of beginning or end of flammable time
Start of publication: 07.04.2016
End of publication: indefinite
End of publication: indefinite
The Päästeamet shall publish a notice pursuant to paragraph 16(3) of the Law on fire safety (TuOS).
The Päästeamet States that Estonia has been designated as a flammable zone in
since 09.04.2016.
With effect from that date, the following shall be prohibited in areas with forest and other vegetation and peatland:
(1) extracting a firelight from a fireworks, except in a location specially prepared for that purpose;
(2) burning of cocktails and roses;
(3) any other activity which could lead to a fire in the
(paragraph 16(1) of the TuOS).
The order attached to the notice shall enter into force on the day following the date of publication of this notice (paragraph 16(3) of the TuOS).
The Päästeamet States that Estonia has been designated as a flammable zone in
since 09.04.2016.
With effect from that date, the following shall be prohibited in areas with forest and other vegetation and peatland:
(1) extracting a firelight from a fireworks, except in a location specially prepared for that purpose;
(2) burning of cocktails and roses;
(3) any other activity which could lead to a fire in the
(paragraph 16(1) of the TuOS).
The order attached to the notice shall enter into force on the day following the date of publication of this notice (paragraph 16(3) of the TuOS).
Tallinn, HARJUMAA, Raua 2
Telephone: 6282000
Tallinn, HARJUMAA, Raua 2
Telephone: 6282000
Notice No 935363